What is evidence?
A claim must always be supported by this to be persuasive
What is an ad hominem fallacy?
This fallacy occurs when someone attacks the person making the argument instead of the argument itself.
What is logos?
This appeal relies on logic and reasoning to persuade the audience.
What is a counterargument
This is the term for addressing the opposing side’s argument in your writing.
What is the introduction?
This is the first paragraph of an argumentative essay, where the thesis is introduced.
What is quantitative evidence
This type of evidence is based on numbers, statistics, and data
What is post hoc ergo propter hoc?
This fallacy assumes that if one event happens after another, the first event caused the second.
What is pathos?
This appeal uses emotions to connect with the audience.
What is a rebuttal?
This is the response to a counterargument that strengthens your original claim.
What is the thesis statement?
This is the term for the main idea or position of an argumentative essay.
What is a causal claim
This type of claim argues that one thing causes another
What is a false dilemma?
This fallacy presents only two options when more exist.
What is ethos?
This appeal establishes the credibility of the speaker or writer.
What is stronger or more credible
Including counterarguments in your writing makes your argument appear this.
What is the counterargument paragraph?
This paragraph addresses opposing viewpoints and provides rebuttals.
What is evidence?
A claim must always be supported by this to be persuasive.
What is an appeal to emotion?
This fallacy uses emotionally charged words to distract from the argument.
What is ethos?
A speaker referencing their years of experience in a field is an example of this rhetorical appeal.
What is to refute or disprove the opposing argument?
This is the purpose of a rebuttal in an argumentative essay
What is the conclusion?
This is the final paragraph of an argumentative essay, where the main points are summarized.
What is anecdotal evidence?
This type of evidence relies on personal stories or experiences to support a claim.
What is a straw man fallacy?
This fallacy occurs when someone uses a weak or oversimplified version of an opponent’s argument to refute it.
What is logos?
Using statistics and data to support an argument is an example of this rhetorical appeal.
What is concession and refutation
This strategy involves acknowledging the validity of part of the opposing argument before refuting it.
What is coherence or organization?
This is the term for the logical flow of ideas in an argumentative essay.