If we allow students to use calculators in math class, soon they won’t learn basic arithmetic. Eventually, they won’t be able to do simple addition, and before we know it, society will collapse because no one can count change at the store.
Slippery Slope
Millions of people believe in astrology, so there must be some truth to it. After all, so many people can’t be wrong!
Bandwagon Fallacy
According to the American Heart Association, nearly 80 million adults in the U.S. suffer from some form of cardiovascular disease. With heart disease being the leading cause of death, it’s crucial to adopt healthier lifestyles.
Which rhetorical appeal?
Imagine a child going to bed hungry, their stomach aching while the world around them wastes tons of food every day. No one should have to suffer that kind of pain, especially when we have the resources to prevent it. If we come together to reduce food waste and support food banks, we can give every child the chance to sleep with a full stomach and hope for a better tomorrow.
What is rhetoric?
Using language to achieve a purpose
You can’t trust anything John says about exercise because he’s not very strong. If he really knew what he was talking about, he’d be in perfect shape.
Ad hominem
I met two people from New York, and they were both rude. That proves that everyone from New York is unfriendly.
Hasty Generalization
Which strategy?
Social media is a double-edged sword—while it connects us, it also slices away at our attention spans and mental well-being. Like a wildfire, misinformation spreads rapidly, consuming truth and leaving a scorched landscape of confusion. If we don’t learn to control the flames, we risk being burned by our own creation.
Figurative language
Which rhetorical appeal?
As a doctor with over 20 years of experience, I have seen firsthand the devastating effects of poor nutrition on long-term health. Scientific research overwhelmingly supports that a balanced diet and regular exercise significantly reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. If we want to lead healthier, longer lives, we must prioritize proper nutrition and physical activity.
Which fallacy?
I love eating pizza, so I would make a great astronaut.
Non sequitur
Either you support our new security policies, or you don’t care about public safety. There’s no middle ground—if you oppose them, you’re basically inviting chaos and crime.
You can’t trust that scientific study on nutrition—it was funded by a major food company, so the results must be biased and false.
Genetic Fallacy
Which strategy?
Online learning should be accessible to everyone. While some argue that online learning lacks the personal interaction found in traditional classrooms, studies have shown that it can provide more flexibility and accessibility, allowing students to learn at their own pace.
Introducing/refuting a counterclaim
Which rhetorical appeal?
Studies show that students who get at least eight hours of sleep perform 20% better on cognitive tests than those who don’t. Lack of sleep impairs memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills, directly impacting academic performance. If we want to improve student success, prioritizing healthy sleep habits is a logical and necessary step.
Which strategy?
I remember a time when my grandmother, who had always been active and healthy, was diagnosed with high blood pressure. After making simple lifestyle changes like walking every day and eating more fruits and vegetables, she was able to reduce her blood pressure significantly. Her experience showed me firsthand how small, consistent efforts can lead to dramatic improvements in health, proving the power of preventive care.
I started wearing my lucky socks, and ever since then, my team has been winning every game. Clearly, my socks are the reason for their success.
Post Hoc
Sure, I may have lied on my resume, but what about all the politicians who lie all the time? If they can get away with it, why am I being criticized?
Red Herring
What strategy is this?
Much like Pandora opening the forbidden box, unleashing chaos upon the world, humanity's careless tampering with genetic engineering could lead to irreversible consequences. If we do not proceed with caution, we may release problems beyond our control, ones that, like Pandora’s evils, cannot be contained once set free.
Hint: We are REFERENCING Greek mythology to help illustrate our ideas.
Which strategy?
We need change, change that starts with us. We need action, action that can be felt by every person in every corner of the world. We need progress, progress that lifts us all and ensures a future where no one is left behind.
Which fallacy?
Enforcing traffic laws with fines is just as oppressive as living under a dictatorship—both involve the government controlling people’s actions.
One side says climate change is a serious crisis caused by humans, while the other side says it doesn’t exist at all. The truth must be somewhere in the middle—it’s probably only a minor issue.
Argument to Moderation
People who support renewable energy just want to shut down all power plants immediately and force everyone to live without electricity. That’s why we must oppose their agenda.
Straw Man
Claim: Students should get a 100% in every class.
Construct a counterclaim and rebuttal (refute the counterclaim). You have one minute!
Answers may vary
Main claim: Students should not have homework.
Write support for this claim using Ethos. You have one minute!
Answers may vary
What is the difference between reasoned argument and persuasion?
Reasoned argument must be logical and include valid support and explanation. Persuasion is convincing but could be achieved without logic or evidence (like using pathos, logical fallacies).