Where does the introduction paragraph go in the essay?
First paragraph
How many body paragraphs should your essay have?
(unless you were absent and a teacher said to only do 2)
Where does the conclusion paragraph go?
At the very end of an essay
cm should not be served in schools
Chocolate milk should not be served in schools.
A ____________ is an action word.
What is the first thing you should start your introduction paragraph with?
What are the 4 things each body paragraph needs?
Topic sentence
Ministory/background info
Introduce a quote
This shows/This proves
What is the first thing you should do in your conclusion?
Repeat your claim sentence
[Box statement] because *,*,*.
Mrs. rally noticed children choose chocolate milk more than white milk.
Mrs. Rally
An _______________ describes a noun.
What is the second thing you need in an introduction?
Your claim sentence.
[Box statement] because *,*,*.
When I write ideas I've learned from my research in my own words it's called ______________.
a ministory.
What is the second thing you need in a conclusion?
A lingering thought
In the video, Melissa Dobbins a nutritionist compared the sugar in milk, soda, and sports drinks.
In the video, Melissa Dobbins, a nutritionist, compared the sugar in milk, soda, and sports drinks.
A noun is a __________ , ___________ , or _______.
A noun is a person, place, or thing.
Should quotes go in an introduction?
If I copy information directly out of an article, it needs to go in ____________.
Quotation marks
Explain what a lingering thought is.
Something to end your essay to make your reader keep thinging.
"Children who drink flavored milk meet more of their nutrient needs."
In the article Nutrition in Disguise it says, "Children who drink flavored milk meet more of their nutrient needs."
What is the noun in this sentence?
The yellow bus drove very slowly.
Why is a hook called a hook?
When you're fishing, you try to CATCH a fish with a hook.
In an essay, you're trying to CATCH your reader's attention.
How do we show our reader that a new paragraph is starting?
Go to a new line and indent or press Tab
Give a way to start a lingering thought sentence.
Things would be different if...
This made me realize...
Other people should...
According to the article nutrition in disguise, chocolate milk has less sugar then soda.
Nutrition in Disguise needs to be capitalized
What is the adjective in this sentence?
The yellow bus drove very slowly.