Takes a stand on...
A controversial issue
States a _____ position
A valid counterclaim allows you to introduce ___
new evidence
An ___ provides information about the topic
One type of body paragraph features a reason that readers should ___
support your claim
Written to change...
A reader's perspective.
States a position on a ____ topic
A valid counterclaim presents
a reasonable perspective
Must explain why the issue is ___
A second type of body paragraph includes a ____ and ___
counterclaim and rebuttal
Relies on ____ rather than____
Logic rather than emotion
Makes it that the essay is written to _____ rather than ___
Argue rather than inform
An effective rebuttal treats the opposition with ___
In your conclusion, you restate your ___ in a new way
Effective writers voice maintain a ___ person perspective
Anticipate ___ from the other side and offers a ___ to challenge opposing views
Counterclaim and rebuttal
Avoids using
Personal pronouns, first person
An effective rebuttal responds with ___
Valid research
In the conclusion briefly ___ your argument
Use ___ rather than emotions
logic or facts
Presents research _____ from ____
Facts and reliable sources
Avoids making
personal preference
What are two of the four types of information that can be used to support your claim?
Facts, statistics, examples, and examplespert testimony
What are two types of clinchers
Call for action, positive (negative) changes that will happen if people follow your claim, possible future research
Avoid ___ and ___ to make your writing concise
repetitiveness and redundancy