Research Designs
Reviewing Literature
Qual/Quan Research Designs
This design utilizes both quantitative and qualitative data that focuses more on procedures useful in addressing practical problems.
What is Action Research Design?
A statement that participants sign before they participate in a research study/process that guarantees certan rights.
What is an informed consent form?
An attribute or characteristic that influences or affects and outcome of dependent variable.
What is an indepedent variable?
A figure or drawing that displays the research literature on a topic.
What is a Literature Map?
The intentional selction of individuals and sites to learn or understand the central phenomenon.
What is purposeful sampling?
This is a quantitative design that measures the degree of association or relation between two or more variables and often uses the statistical procedure of correlational analysis.
What is a Correlational Design?
A campus office developed to monitor the adherence to beneficence of treatment of participants, respect for participants and justice.
What is an Institutional Review Board?
A characteristic or attritube of an indivdual or and organization that reseaercheers can measure or observe and varies among individuals or organizations studied.
What is a variable?
A written summary of articles, books, and other documents that describes the past and current state of knowledge about a topic, organizes the literature into topics and documents a need for a proposed study.
What is a Literature Review?
A type of sampling method used in qunatitative research wher particpants are asked to identify others to become members of the sample.
What is snowball sampling?
The specific procedures that are involved in the research process such as data anaylsis, data collection and report writing.
What are research designs?
The use of someone else's work without giving them credit for the information.
What is plagiarism?
A number of standard deviations the actual score is above or below the mean.
What is a Z score?
A summary of the major aspects of a study or articl conveyed in a concise way and written with specific components that describe the study.
What is an abstract?
The type of purposeful sampling where indivduals are selcted based on membership in a subgroup that has defining characteristics.
What is homogeneous sampling?
Qualitative Procedures used to describe, analyze, and interpret a cultural groups shared patterns of behavior, beliefs and language as the develop over time.
What are Ethnographic designs?
A doctor who conducted a landmark psychological study in 1971 of the human response to captivity and prison life which caused psychological and physical distress to participants.
Who is Philip Zimbardo?
A hypothesis testing procedure in which the population variance is unknown.
What is a t-test?
To provide a need for a study and demonstrate that other studies have not addressed the same topic in exactly the same way.
What is the purpose of a literature review?
A group of individuals who have the same characteristic.
What is a population?
In this method/research design it is import to decide on the emphasis given to each form of data (priority); the form of data to be collected first (concurrent/sequential); how the data will be mixed (integrating or connecting) and whether or not theory will be used to guide the study.
What are Mixed Method Designs?
A report or document issued in 1979, of the foundational code of research ethics offering protections for human subjects.
What is the Belmont Report?
The Mean, Mode and Median.
What are the three measures of central tendency?
A type of literacture review that provides a detailed summary of each study grouped under a broad theme.
What is a study-by-study review of the literature?
An individual who has an official or unofficial role at the research site whom porives entrance to a site and helps researchers locate people and assits in the identification of places to study.
What is a gatekeeper?