when is the holiday of pesach celebrated?
15th of nisan
what is a birchat kohanim?
its a blessing
who can become a nazir?
what oil do we use?
olive oil.
nissan 15
when is the corban pesach brought?
14th of nisan
who does the birchat kohanim?
the kohanim
who is the nazir permitted to become impure for?
7 close relatives
why does all the flames have to face the middle of the menorah?
it represents the idea of how all the miracles and blessings come from the center.
25th day of kislev is
who isnt allowed to bring the corban pesach?
the impure people, sick people, people that have no money to travel, non jews, and a jew that dosent believe in god.
when is the birchat kohanim recited?
during holidays and prayers
30 min.
what candle do we light with every night?
the shamash.
14th of iyar
pesach sheni
why arent they able to bring the corban?
they are guarding the bodies
what do kohanim do with their hands during the blessing?
they raise and spread their hands
what are two foods a nazir cant eat?
grapes, and raisins
why do we light the menorah?
We light the menorah to commemorate the miracle of the oil lasting eight days.
what did hashem do after hearing their claim?
hashem introduces the mitzvah of pesach sheni
why is the birchat kohanim important?
it blesses our homes with hashems protection and peace.
what are 4 types of drinks a nazir cant drink?
alcohol, wine, cocktails, and grapejuice
what 2 things were unique about how the menorah was built?
that the menorah is just several pieces just stuck together forming the menorah and its the only object in the mishna that was built by hashem.