Movie Stars
Zodiac Knowledge

This Aries baby has been in 9 Marvel movies and may be better known as the "Aluminum Avenger"

Robert Downey Jr. (RDJ)


This Aries star (that is born...) on March 28th is a global icon in the pop world with a massive fan base of "Little Monsters". 

Lady Gaga


This college basketball tradition does not start in Aries season, but it certianly finishes during it. 

March Madness


What type of Zodiac Sign is Aries? 

Fire Sign


This absolute icon of a woman, may be a Virgo with her most famous on-screen character from all 8 Harry Potter films, but the brainiac (yes she is smart in real life too) is actually an Aries Queen! 

Emma Watson


This Aries Pop Music Queen is the first artist to top the Billboard Hot 100 charts across four seperate decades (and if you have partcipated in trivia in the past should know this answer).

Mariah Carey


For years, the famous golfer who was the "best golfer without a major" to his name, finally shed that title when he won his first Master in 2004. This golfer is also the oldest person currently have won a major championship at almost 51 years old.  

Phil Mickelson


What animal is Aries symbolized by?

A Ram

This Aries born comedian and actor, may be known for many many many things, but a personal favorite of mine has him staying up late, swapping manly stories, and potentially, in the morning, making some waffles!

Eddie Murphy

This Aries KING has been in the game since the 1960s and is not only well known for his pop-rock ballads but also his philanthropic efforts. He was (rightfully) legally knighted in 1998 by Queen Elizabeth. 

Elton John


This iconic man who made history breaking the MLBs color barrier and then proceeded to be one of the best players of his time, played his first game during Aries season on April 15th 1947 in Brooklyn. 

Jackie Robinson


What number in line of the Zodiac Signs is Aries?



This blonde Aries gal has been an actress since the early 90s with many pivotal roles since coming on the scene. She also dedicates her time to choosing books for her Book Club which are books or novels written by majority women authors with stories centered around women. What, like, it's hard? 

Reese Witherspoon

This Aries Queen of power ballads is assuming that her heart, will simply go on (as long as it stays out of very cold water and on a boat).

Celine Dion 


This all-time leading NBA scorer officially broke the record for most points in a career (and was recently beat out and now sits 2nd in the league's history) on a game on April 5th 1984. 

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar


Aries only make up about how much of the population?



This Aries actor hailing from New Jersey, got his start acting in the late 1990s, gaining popularity being a leading man in comedys, rom-coms, and action movies. In 2021, he was named People magazines, "Sexiest Man Alive". 

Paul Rudd


This youngest Chicago born Aries in the line up has solidified his spot in the hip hop world since 2011 with the few albums he has, taking home three Grammy's in 2017. He also served as a coach on The Voice in 2023. If you've ever asked me about him, my biggest gripe is that he ruined my 2020 Valentine's Day plans.

Chance the Rapper


This entire league went on strike in 1992 for the first time, only a week before their play offs were about to begin. It lasted an entire ten days and postponed games of the 91-92 season. This league has not gone on an offical strike since, but has had 3 lock outs since then. One lock out in 04-5 cancelling the entire season. 

NHL (Hockey)


What are the other two Fire Signs in the Zodiac line up?

Leo & Sagittarius