The branches of the American government
The point of the Emancipation Proclamation
What is freeing the slaves?
The ocean on the west side of the United States
What is the Pacific Ocean?
The capital of Arizona
What is Phoenix?
The current President of the United States
Who is Joe Biden?
The two parts to Congress aka the legislative branch
What is the House of Representatives and Senate?
A war fought by the United States in the 1800's
What is the Mexican-American War, the Civil War or the Spanish-American War?
The Ocean on the east coast of the United States
What is the Atlantic Ocean?
The date Arizona became a state
What is February 14th, 1912?
Current Vice President of the United States
Who is Kamala Harris?
The point of the executive branch
What is enforce the laws set by Congress?
On September 11th, 2001, an attack was made on American soil
What is a terrorist attack?
A state that boarders the country of Mexico down south
What is California, Arizona, New Mexico, or Texas?
The current Governor of Arizona
Who is Katie Hobbs?
The current Speaker of the House
Who is Mike Johnson?
The main power of the Supreme Court
What is striking down laws deemed unconstitutional?
The movement started in the 1950's to end racial discrimination in the United States
What is the Civil Rights Movement?
A state that borders the country of Canada up north
What is Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington or Alaska.
The two current Senators from Arizona
Who are Mark Kelly and Ruben Gallego?
Current President of Senate
Who is JD Vance?
The amount of Congress members
What is 535 members?
The president during the Great Depression and World War II
Who is Franklin Roosevelt?
The two longest rivers in the United States
What is the Mississippi or Missouri River?
Your Arizona Representative
Who are:
Current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
Who is John G. Roberts?