Rules of the Road
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A orange sign that states there will be a beginning of an alternate road up ahead.
What is a detour sign.
Drivers must avoid driving in no-zones such as:
What is No-zones are located 20 feet in front of the cab, on either side of the tractor-trailer and up to 200 feet in the rear of trucks.
If your vehicle speed exceeds 35 mph on a wet road or in the rain, your tires will start to ride up on the water, which is known as:
What is hydroplaning.
In Arkansas, it is illegal to drive, or to be a front seat passenger without:
What is wearing a safety belt.
What does a white sign that shows a black arrow turning right inside a red circle with a line crossing diagonally mean.
What is right turns are prohibited.
A yellow sign that states the road will be slippery.
What is a slippery road sign; drivers must use caution.
As per the law of Arkansas, you can be arrested for alcohol impairment with any blood alcohol level:
What is above 0.04%
If your vehicle is hit from the side, your body will be thrown:
What is toward the side that is hit.
An ideal position to place both hands on the steering wheel is at about the:
What is 10' o clock and 2' o clock
When making right turns, drivers must avoid _______ before initiating the turn.
What is swinging wide turns may cause the driver behind you to think you are changing lanes or going to turn left and may try to pass you on the right
This “plus” sign is an indication of:
What is an intersection?
Before turning right, make sure that there is no traffic approaching:
What is Before turning right, make sure that there is no traffic approaching from your left and no oncoming traffic turning left into your path.
If your vehicle is moving at a speed of 55 mph, you will travel over _______ in ten seconds.
What is 800 feet.
You must not pass if you are within _______ of a hill or curve. (example: 1/4 mile or 1/3 mile or 5/7 of a mile)
What is 1/3 of a mile.
Shared center lanes that are marked on each side by a solid yellow and dashed yellow lines are reserved for _______ and can be used by vehicles traveling in either direction
What is making left turns.
What does a yellow sign that shows a arrow pointing upward with a line going off to the side mean?
What is warns about merging traffic ahead.
When you turn from a high speed, two-lane roadway, _______ if you have traffic following you.
What is try not to slow your vehicle down to early.
If you cannot see 200 feet ahead, you may not be driving safely at
What is 30 mph.
You should pull over_______ of the road, when you see or hear an emergency vehicle approaching from any direction.
What is to the right edge.
If there are no reduced speed limits posted at work zones, drivers should:
What is obey the normal posted speed limit.
What is a white sign with a arrow turning around 180 degrees?
What is a u turn sign.
Drivers must be cautious if it starts to rain on a hot day, because pavement can be very slippery for the first few minutes due to:
What is oil in the asphalt.
Do not share a lane with _______ , because they need extra space.
What is pedestrians, motorcyclists, and bicylists.
If you are driving on a two-lane road, it is safest to drive your vehicle in the _______ of the lane.
What is It is safest to drive in the center of your lane. Keep as much space as you can between your vehicle and oncoming vehicles.
You need a _______ gap whenever you change lanes, enter a roadway, or when your lane merges with another travel lane.
What is four seconds.