What is 12 x 13
What is 156
What is the correct plural form of the word “cactus”?
a) Cactuss
b) Cacti
c) Cactusies
d) Cactuses
What is Cacti
What is the hardest natural substance on Earth?
What is a Diamond
Whats my middle name
No middle name
add 8.634 + 3.212
What is 11.846
Who wrote the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird”?
a) F. Scott Fitzgerald
b) Harper Lee
c) Ernest Hemingway
d) John Steinbeck
Who is Harper Lee
What does DNA stand for?
What is Deoxyribonucleic acid
How many jobs have I worked?
if im 25 years old, how old is my mom if she was born in 1971
What would be, 54 years old
Which of the following is not a type of poem?
a) Sonnet
b) Haiku
c) Ballad
d) Simile
what is Simile
Humans and chimpanzees share roughly how much DNA?
What is 98 per cent
what kind of middle school did i go to?
A)Private school B)Public School
C)Charter School D)Home School
what is Charter School
- 15+ (-5x) =0
What is -3
What is the term for a word that sounds like the noise it represents?
a) Onomatopoeia
b) Metaphor
c) Alliteration
d) Hyperbole
What is Onomatopoeia
What is the biggest planet in our solar system?
what is Jupiter
If i had to choose one Food for the rest of my life what would it be?
a) Steak
b) Speget
c) Alfredo
d) Tacos
What is Tacos
What is 1.92÷3
What is 0.64
In Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet,” which family does Romeo belong to?
a) Montague
b) Capulet
c) Borgia
d) Medici
What is Montague
How many teeth does an adult human have?
what is 32
What kind of weed do I like to smoke?
Trick Question All the weeds but I will take indoor