Which part of the armor protects our minds?
Helmet of Salvation
What does the belt of truth hold?
Sword of the Spirit
What protects our heart?
Breastplate of Righteousness
What does the shield protect us from?
The darts of the enemy
The Word of God
How can we help protect our minds?
Think about the right things
Can the belt of truth be repaired and how so?
Yes it can, one must tell the truth
All our righteousness is like what? (Isaiah 64:6)
Filthy Rags- we can never be perfect
What are 3 ways to grow your faith?
Pray, surround yourself with believers, read the Bible, etc.
What should we do with the sword as soldiers?
learn how to use it
What does the gospel give us?
Salvation and Peace
If the belt of truth falls, what falls with it, and why is it important?
Sword of the Spirit because it's the Word of God with us at all times to fight the devil
How do you live a righteous life?
Act in obedience to the word
How and where can you use your faith in your life?
with family, school, teams, life experiences, etc.
What does the word protect us from?
The lies of the enemy
How do we know if we have the right thoughts? (Psalms 139: 23-24)
Ask God to search us
What is the devil referred to as? (John 8:44)
Father of lies
What does it mean if someone is Righteous? (What are they free from?)
Action- to do the right thing, free from guilt and sin
Can you have faith without actions and why? (James 2:26)
No and explain
What is God's word for us? (Psalm 119:105)
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path
What is the gospel and what should we do with it?
Jesus' death and resurrection for our sins that we should share with all people/spread to all nations
Who is Jesus (John 14:6)
The way, the truth, and the life
What are we saved by? (Titus 3:4-6)
God's mercy (repent & ask for forgiveness), washing of rebirth (accept Jesus & get Baptized), & renewal by the Holy Spirit (Receive Holy Spirit)
Do we all have the same level of faith? Is that okay and why? (Romans 12:3)
No, it's okay because we are each made the way God intended us, in His image
What is God's word for us? (Hebrews 4:12)
Accountability- alive and active