Daily Living Skills
Work Skills
Social Skills
Filling out Application

Name 3 things you need to clean in the bathroom

Sink, Tub, Toilet


What is the first thing you should do when you arrive at your job site if possible? 

greet the boss or supervisor in charge for the shift


Name the first 5 odd numbers going positive on the number line

1, 3, 5. 7. 9


When you are introduced to someone what should you do. 

make eye contact 

shake hands


What is the first things you put on your application

First and last name, phone number and address


What is the best thing to do when cleaning a mirror

use a microfiber cloth or windex and a paper towel


If you are not sure what to do next at work, what should you do? 

ask your supervisor/boss or job coach


If you work 6 hours on Monday and 8 hours on Wednesday, how many hours did you work.  



What information should you give when you are introduced to someone

your full name


What else should be on the application? There are 3 things. Can you name them

position you are applying for, work history and references


Tell the steps to doing laundry

wash, dry, fold, put away


Name some jobs that my students do in the building

recycle, fill work rooms with paper, custodial support, set up tables/chairs, break down tables and chairs

If you worked 10 hours this week and you got paid $10 per hour, how much did you get paid. 



when you are asked a question by a coworker or supervisor, what should you do. 

make eye contact and answer the question to the best of your ability


What is a reference

a person (not a family member) who can speak highly of you as a worker

What is the first thing you should do before you clean a toaster or toaster oven. 

Pull the plug


before starting work and upon finishing work, what do you need to remember to do if you want to get paid. 

punch in/out using a time clock or computer


If you began working at 8am and finished work at 1pm, how many hours did you work

5 hours


If you see a coworker steal something what should you do

tell your supervisor


Why might you include any awards you may have received

shows potential employer some of your outstanding attributes. 

What do you need to do to make sure your food in your cabinets or fridge is good. 

check expiration dates


What is the word used in the work environment when you are expected to make the shelves neat with labels forward

facing products


If you started the laundry at 6:15 and you finished it at 8:30, how long did it take you to do the laundry

2 hours 15 minutes


If you would like to get to know someone better, what should you do. 

start a conversation with them


It is important to have some knowledge of the place you are applying. Why is this important.  

To be able to understand the company and ask questions.