When a small cut or sliver can't be treated at the office or waterfront.
What is when to send a camper to the health center?
Daily Double if you know what periods the health center is closed.
A person is conscious and looks to be choking. They are coughing. What should you do?
What is encourage them to keep coughing.
What is the ratio of compressions to breaths.
How can we reduce the spread of colds, lice, pink eye and ticks?
What is wash hands, cough and sneeze into elbow, remind campers not to share hats, hairbrushes, pillows, etc. Remind campers to do a tick check every night.
You see a camper 'sleeping' near the beach, but they don't answer when you call their name. What is your first step?
What is check the scene.
Why is it important to remember to send a camper to the health center with a buddy or LIT during the day, and with a staff member + 1 more after dark (rule of 3).
What is how to protect yourself and others
If a woman is pregnant, you should do 5 _______ thrusts instead of 5 abdominal thrusts.
What is chest
In 2 minutes, you will go through _____ cycles of CPR.
What is 5.
What is the length of time you should hold an epi-pen in a persons leg when administering it?
What is 3-5 seconds
Daily Double if you can show us how to use an epi-pen.
It's tuck time and a camper has fallen unconscious in their cabin. You have checked breathing (no breathing) and given two rescue breaths. They did not go in. What do you do?
What is re-tilt the head and try again.
You, as the counsellor, are the 'prevention'. What does this mean in terms of keeping campers healthy?
What is reminding campers to wear shoes (no bare feet), hats, sunscreen, drink lots, eat well at meals, get enough sleep, practice good hygiene (brushing teeth, washing hands, etc.)
Daily Double if you can explain to the group why it's SO important to update your camper logs everyday.
What do you need to protect if a conscious choking victim goes unconscious?
What is the head.
On an adult, you should compress the chest about ____ inches.
What is 2
What is a stroke?
What is when blood flow to the brain is blocked.
A camper comes to you complaining of a headache, flushed skin, nausea, feeling tired and hot. You diagnose it as _____________ and do what to help them?
What is Heat Exhaustion, and you take them out of the heat, put a cool cloth on their face and neck, give them small sips of water or electrolyte drink, take them to the nurse for tylenol if needed.
Daily double if you can tell us how to prevent Heat Exhaustion.
Have campers apply it outside the cabin every morning before activities, where you can watch and make sure they've done it properly, and be sure they re-apply it after swimming and before afternoon activities.
What is sunscreen.
With a small child, a person giving back blows and abdominal thrusts may need to __________ to give proper care.
What is kneel.
Continue CPR until... (give all 3 answers)
What is help/EMS arrives, you see signs of life, and/or you are too exhausted to continue.
What are two things you should not do for a person who is experiencing a seizure?
What is hold them down or put things in their mouth.
A camper comes to you with a nose bleed. You help them by _____________________
What is sitting them down, giving them paper towel to hold under their nose, tell them to pinch the top of their nose on the bone, and put ice on the back of their neck.
What is wrong with this scenario? You notice camper 'Anne' only ate a hard boiled egg at breakfast, and at lunch only a quarter of her plate had food on it... salad. You are not her counsellor but you tell the LIT sitting at your table you think Anne has an eating disorder. You don't sit with Anne again for a meal for the rest of the week.
What is jumping to conclusions, diagnosing when you're not a doctor and haven't gathered the appropriate information, sharing these observations with an LIT (who is a camper), not following up by checking in with Anne or informing her counsellor of what she ate or observing Anne for the rest of the week.
For an unconscious choking victim, when do you check the mouth for any items/food?
What is after 30 compressions.
Early CPR is important because (one answer is correct ONLY!!!)
What is it keeps blood and oxygen flowing to important internal organs while the heart is stopped.
Signs and symptoms of a head injury that would require the spine board and 911 to be called include ________
What is fluid coming out of the ears, bump and/or bleeding from the head, loss of feeling anywhere in the body, vision problems, loss of consciousness or in and out of consciousness, nausea and vomiting.
A camper is running in capture the flag and trips over roots by the friendship tree. They're holding their ankle and are obviously in pain. The ankle instantly swells up. What are 4 important steps you take to help them?
What is rest and reassure, treating for potential shock, get ice for the ankle, immobilize the ankle with a tensor, elevate slightly if it's comfortable for the camper.
Daily Double if you can tell us how to prevent injuries in a running game at camp.