How many siblings does Mariam Hassan have and name them?
Omar & Yousef
What birthday year did Salma Ibrahim have Lana Del Ray on her cake?
19th birthday
who left Mariam abdallas house in the middle of the night??
Who slept in ayahs bathtub?
What age is or grade did Sadika & Tracy know each other?
name all the majors Salma mousse was in and what is her current one?
engineering, finance, and current one psych
What was the official date of the cover lockdown?
March 12 2020
who's the first person to fail their drivers license?
mariam moussa
who did Mariam abdalla have her first fight with and what was Mariam wearing
carnet and silk pjs
Who is Tracys's favorite artist currently?
Daniel Cesar
name everyone who has had a pet
What day and year was month n year was everyone born?
ray 06/09/2002
salma ib 10/13/2003
salma m 01/17/2004
zahwa 07/22/2005
ayah 08/24/2005
Maryum m 11/3/2005
Mariam h march 12 2005
sadikas may 1 2006
haya may 18th 2006
Mariam a may 29th 2006
tracy sep 30 2006
jana march 12 2007
who was born in Egypt IN ORDER oldest to youngest
Haya and jana
Who stopped becoming friends because someone came out in a snapchat gc?
Raneem and ahmed
When did Tracy get both of her cats?
Nola 2021 and June 2023
name everyones major
ray marketing
Sadika & Tracy business
Mariam M , And Haya Biology
zahwa health science
Salma M Psyc
Salma I education
Ayah pre-law, and finance
Mariam A
Jana next year pre pharmacy
what was Salma and zahwa cats name and how long did they have it for?
shadow and 2 days
where did tracy have her first kiss and how did it happen
cav park bench, held down by 2 guys and bestfriend
which guy lied about his height irl and drivers license and got proven wrong because Salma measured him
Ahmad abohassan
What is Tracys sisters name?
Caroline Mei Kuang
name the order of the person that has the least to most following on instagram
jana zahwa tracy sadika salma i Mariam hassan raneem Mariam m Mariam a haya salma m ayah
what day did Mariam abdodododod and Vanessa start dating?
November 13
Who played sports in high school and what was it and position .
salma ibrahim basket ball point guard or defender bitrch won't say
ayah elsayed softball center field and pitcher
Who threw a chair at who in front of Starbucks & what day and year was it?
khaled threw out at Salma Ibrahim 2018b ayahs birthday aug 24
Cold urticaria