Famous Artists
Art Movements
Art Forms
Art Materials

This pop artist drew inspiration from advertising and Hollywood by making prints and paintings that featured images of Campbells soup cans and Marilyn Monroe's face.

Who is Andy Warhol


Mixing blue and yellow together make this color

What is green


This is a transitional movement in Europe between medieval and modern times beginning in the 14th century in Italy, lasting into the 17th century, and marked by a humanistic revival of classical influence expressed in a flowering of the arts and literature and by the beginnings of modern science

What is Renaissance


This art is made by cutting up materials such as colored paper, string, fabric, and newspaper and then gluing them together to make a picture.

What is collage


This is a water soluble paint that thins as it is mixed with water.

What is watercolor


This Dutch post impressionist painter was best known for his paintings of countrysides and self-portraits.  He famously cut off his ear in a fit of madness.  One of his most well known paintings is titled Starry Night. 

Who is Vincent Van Gogh


Mixing yellow and red together make this color

What is orange


This movement presented a challenge to traditions of fine art by including imagery from popular and mass culture, such as advertising, comic books and mundane cultural objects.

What is Pop Art


This is the name for a drawing or painting of a person or people.

What is a portrait

These are coloring sticks that can be made from oil or chalk.

What are pastels


This painter is regarded as a national treasure in Mexico.  The majority of her paintings were self portraits depicting scenes from her life.  She was married to Diego Rivera.

Who is Frida Kahlo


Are the colors blue, green, and purple considered warm or cool colors?

What is cool


This art movement distorts reality and pulls from subjective thought.  Works of art are heavily influenced by emotions. 

What is Expressionism


A painting or drawing of inanimate objects often placed in an arrangement is called what? Examples include flowers in a vase, fruit in a bowl, and bottles of wine.

What is a still life


This is a type of hot oven used to bake clay into a hard permanent finish.

What is a kiln


This painter lived most of her life in New Mexico where her work was influenced by the landscape, bones and flowers.  

Who is Georgia O'Keefe


Mixing red and blue makes this color

What is purple


This art movement combines images from the subconscious mind and doesn't typically make much sense.

What is Surrealism


A three dimensional piece of art often carved, chiseled, or cast from stone, clay, marble, wood, or bronze is called?

What is sculpture


Watercolor, gouache, acrylic, tempera, and oil are all a form of what?

What is paint


This sculpter and painter is known by one name.  He painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel carved a larger than sculpture named David.

Who is Michelangelo


Mixing all the primary colors together makes this color

What is brown


This 19th-century art movement is characterised by relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open composition, and emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities.  Famous artists from this movement include Monet and Renoir.

What is Impressionism 


A large painting generally painted on a wall, typically outside, or ceiling is called what?

What is a mural


This is the part of the paint that gives it color.

What is pigment