What are Anishinaabe women known for being skilled in?
When did Rachel Carson publish Silent Spring?
How many trees were actually planted in Tree Mountain?
What is Shea Cobb's daughter named?
Where was Kent Monkman born?
Who is a member of the Gwich'in Steering Committee and spoke in support of congressional efforts to protect the Arctic in 2019?
Who is Bernadette Demientieff?
When was Marat (Sebastião) created?
When is 2008?
In the aftermath of what disaster was the Fundred Project created?
Who passed The Clean Air Act and the Wilderness Act?
Where was the Zero Group formed?
Where is Düsseldorf, Germany?
Where is Nancy Holt's work Up and Under located?
Where is Hämeenkyrö municipality in Finland?
When was the Robinson Huron Treaty created?
When is 1850?
How many children did Noah Purifoy's parents have, and what number was Purifoy out of these? (i.e. He's the third of 5 children)
What is the 12th out of 13 children?
Who produced "The North American Indian"?
Who is Edward S. Curtis?
Where did Eugene Smith spend 3 years photographing th e effects of mercury poisoning from a local factory?
Where is Minimata, Japan?
Where were U.S. Navy vehicles parked in Vieques?
Where is a beach at Camp Garcia?
When was the People's Republic of China created?
When is 1949?
What animals were fleeing to the West in Battle for the Woodlands?
Who painted Les Demoiselles d' Avignon?
Who is Pablo Picasso?
Where is Double Negative located?
Whose use of perspective in a fresco at the Sistine Chapel helped bring the Renaissance to Rome?
Who is Pietro Perugino?
When is the Archaic Period?
When is 660 to 475 BCE?
Where were profits gained from the objects auctioned from In the Name of Place donated?
Who wrote that "Belmore's work concerns not only what we hear, but how we might truly listen to those sounds"?
Who is Can(d)ice Hopkins?
Name at least half of the 14 places that Jens Danielson said "The Arctic Is"?
Where are Paris, Kiribati, Beijing, Beirut, Jakarta, New York, Rio, Santiago, Dallas, Dakar, Mumbai, Miami, Haiti, and Helsinki?