Facts and Figures
When in Rome, do as the Romans do
Art History

Rome was the first state to use this term to describe a government where representatives speak or act for a larger group of people

What is Republic?


Italians use this to absorb the sauce at the end of the meal.

What is bread?


Italians greet one another by kissing each other in these places.

What are the right cheek and left cheek?


These four Renaissance artists provided names for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Who are Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, and Leonardo?


Italian word used to say both Hello and Goodbye in an informal setting

What is Ciao?


In 2002 Italy adopted this as it's official currency and still uses it today.

What is the euro?


Phrase used to describe the first course, or the pasta course in an Italian meal

What is the primo? 


80% of the native born citizens in Italy are of this certain religion. Only 20% of these people practice this religion regularly.

What is Roman Catholic?


This precious metal, associated with coming in third place, can be melted and poured into molds to make sculptures.

What is bronze?


Phrase in Italian used to get someone's attention, not to be confused with the phrase used to say excuse me when passing by someone

What is Scusi? Skooh–zee 

Not Permesso – Pehr-mehs-soh 


The national sport of Italy 

What is soccer?


Originally made in Naples for a visit of Queen Margherita of Savoy, in the colors of the Italian flag (green, white, and red).

What is Pizza Margherita?


A three hour block of time, midday, where shops and restaurants are closed so Italians have time to go home, rest, and be with family.

What is riposo?


This famous ceiling was painted by Michelangelo over the course of four years while standing on a scaffold, a position that caused him to drip paint onto his face constantly, something he complained about bitterly in letters.

What is the Sistine Ceiling?


Phrase in Italian used to request the bill or check at a restaurant 

What is il conto, per favore? Eel kon-toh, pehr fah-voh-reh 


Year Italy became a unified state, making it one of Western Europe's youngest countries

What is 1861?


This is the national dish of Italy, commonly known as spaghetti bolognaise. 

What is Ragu Alla Bolognese?


You would receive a fine for eating or drinking here in Italy 

What are church steps?


This famous family of Florentine bankers shaped politics in Renaissance Florence and commissioned many important works of art in the city. They were also the subject and title of a popular TV series on Netflix.

Who are the Medicis?


Phrase in Italian used to ask the price or cost of an item

What is Quanto costa questo? Kwahn-toh kohs-tah kwehs-toh?? 


Freedom of religion was gained in this year. This changed the official formal state religion from Roman Catholic to nothing.

What is 1984?


A common beverage ordered at the "bar" and consumed standing at the counter that brings a burst of energy

What is a caffè? 

When you go to the cashier, you say “un caffè”, and not “un espresso”.


Amount of money tourists throw into the Trevi Fountain each year

What is €1,000,000?


This term, which you might associate more with Bugs Bunny than with fine art, describes a full-scale drawing that was used during the Renaissance as a template to transfer a design to a final work.

What is a cartoon?


Italian phrase used to learn the location of the nearest bathroom

What is Dov’è il bagno? – Doh-veh eel bahn-yoh?