DESIGN QUESTION 1:Establish and communicate learning goals, track student progress, and celebrate success?
DESIGN QUESTION 2: Help students effectively interact with new knowledge
DESIGN QUESTION 6: Establish or maintain classroom rules and procedures
DESIGN QUESTION 7: Recognise and acknowledge adherence and lack of adherence to classroom rules and procedures
DESIGN QUESTION 9: Communicate high expectations for all students?
What does WALT and WILF stand for?
'We are Learning To' and 'What I'm Looking For'
What new strategy did we learn on Tuesday to help students to interact with new knowledge and practise and deepen their understanding of new knowledge?
Reading to Learn
What should be done during the first lesson with each of your classes?
Establish expectations/ rules
What does SWBPS stand for?
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support
What is our Attendance % goal for students this year?
95% - this should be discussed with students every day
When should WALT and WILF be made visible for every student
WALT and WILF should be made visible to all students at the start of the lesson
Which students in your class will benefit from utilising the 'Reading to Learn' program?
All students will benefit - the program is based closing the gap in the reading differences between students?
What are the lesson start procedures that all classes should be following?
No seriously, that was just a question I was asking... Where can new teachers find a list of these expectations?
What are Shailer State High Schools CORE Values?
What is our QCE % goal for 2015?
100% - the only way for this to happen is if every teacher is reinforcing the importance of attendance and engagement in every lesson every day
Research shows that WALT's and WILFs are most effective when they are made visible to the learner. Give 3 ways WALTs and WILFs could be made visible in your subject?
Write it on the board or/ put it in a header/footer in your powerpoint or/ create an overview of all of the WALTs and WILFs and give it to the students to stick into their books or/
Dr David Rose requested that each teacher select 6 students from your classes to monitor throughout the year. How would you select these students (what information will you use)?
NAPLAN, previous results, PAT-R scores, etc... PLEASE NOTE: We will be selecting 3 students who we will all monitor together as a staff and you will select just 3 students of your own who you will monitor throughout the year
Why is it important that there is consistency across all classrooms for rules and procedures
It allows students a better chance of success at following the procedures. If there is a different set of rules/ procedures for each class, their is more chance of the students getting it wrong - and we want to assist students to be successful
What is School wide positive behaviour support?
It is where the CORE values of the school are explicitly taught to the students: that is, specifically what behaviours fall into the SAFE, RESPECTFUL AND RESPONSIBLE categories: (this will happen in ACE) and then will be reinforced, role modelled and rewarded in every subject. Aims to inject common positive language and focus into a school
Why is goal setting an important component of every subject at Shailer Park
It gives students something to strive for and work towards and is a great conversational piece for discussions with the student and parent. Also allows pathway discussions continuously throughout their high school careers
Is the following an appropriate WALT and WILF? WALT: write 3 paragraphs on energy systems WILF: h/w done
No: A more effective WALT and WILF would be: WALT (learning goal): Understand that there is 3 energy systems used by the human body and be able to explain when the body uses each of the systems WILF (success criteria): 3 written paragraphs (following PEEL structure that outline how each of these energy systems are used
What are the components of all good short stories/ narratives?
Orientation, problem, reaction, description, solution
What are the core expectations that every student at Shailer should receive in every class
How to be SAFE in your subject class (give specific classroom safety details - especially important for practical subjects) How to be RESPECTFUL in your subject class (how to appropriately interact with each other in your classroom - hand up etc), classroom language How to be RESPONSIBLE in your subject class (follow attendance and assessment policies, where uniform appropriately, have specific subject materials with them)
How should i positively reward a student who displays Safe, Responsible or Respectful behaviour in my subject?
Follow the SWPBS rewards system If any staff member has further questions about this, the SWPBS team who is made up of the following people... Stand up please:
It is important to direct questions to all students in your class regardless of their ability or interest in your subject. What are some strategies you could use to ask questions of lower expectancy students?
Teacher directs easier questions towards lower expectancy students and praises answers to build confidence of student/ Teacher asks low expectancy students to further explain their answers/ Teacher re phrases questions to assist in answering and directs student towards the answer/ Teacher breaks question into smaller parts/ When student demonstrates frustration, teacher allows student to collect their thoughts, but goes back to them at a later point in time
Name 3 ways you could check for understanding during a lesson
Quiz, traffic light system, hands up/down, finger rating system, thumbs up/down, exit ticket, collect student work/books, etc...
Which faculties can best assist with improving student reading and writing (hence literacy)?
Who's responsibility is it to enforce the following: Uniform? Attendance? Assessment policy?
Every teacher - if students see they are getting a consistent message from every teacher, they will be more likely to be successful
Name 5 ways you could manage a disruptive student in your class
10 Essential Skills of Classroom Management, Seating plan, call parent, call parent, call parent, call parent, call parent, refer student to HOD for stern chat, etc...
What will be the one biggest contributing factor that will ensure students meet the high level of behavioural and academic expectations on them in 2015
Let's make a list!