Sculptor, architect, artist from Florence; Competed to build the Gilded Doors, studied ancient Roman architecture, built the Duomo, experimented with linear perspective
Lombardy architect and sculptor, one of the greatest architects in Renaissance, student of Mich., finished the Dome of St. Peter's for Mich. and Il Gesu for Vignola, made most of the fountains in Rome, made a statue of Christ handing over the keys to Peter
Della Porta
Created by Brunelleschi, structure was new and is now common, Santa Maria del Fiore
Highly influential in Renaissance, sponsored many artists and works, established Vatican museums, rebuilt St. Peter's Basilica (YAY!!!)
Pope Julius II
Located in St. Peter's, painted (mostly) by Michelangelo, commissioned by Julius II, super cool
Sistine Chapel
Venetian artist, began career with religious art, created Venetian Realism, most famous for "Pala"
One of the greatest architects in history (1 BC), Roman, most studied architect, wrote books about architecture
Statue of David
Experimented by Brunelleschi, creates depth and realism through mirrors and stuff
Linear Perspective
English poet, heavily involved in political and religious disputes, goes blind, anti Catholic (bruh), secretary of Foreign Tongues :P
Urbino painter and architect, introduced Renaissance to Milan and Rome, made court architect of Milan by Sforza, made Trompe L'Oeil, Tempietto, and started to remodel St. Peter's
Urbino painter and architect, can easily copy other styles, hated by Mich., works on St. Peter's in 1514, painted Transfiguration, died young
Created by Bellini, mix of Venetian and Byzantine styles, more colorful and vibrant
Venetian Realism
Writing, Sketching, Painting, Marble Sculpting, Bronze Sculpting, Anatomy, Physiology, Ornithology, Engineering, Hydrodynamics, Geology, Tribology
Florentine author, diplomat, historian, philosopher, lived through Italian Wars, smart in languages, led Florence after Medici, spent time with Pope and leaders in France, makes state militia, writes until death
Florentine "Renaissance Man", mastered multiple trades, invented many things, famous works include: Gran Cavallo, Last Supper, Vitruvian Man, Mona Lisa
Also was a military architect for a time
Leonardo daVinci
Head Basilica of the Catholic Church, located in Vatican City, home of the Sistine Chapel, way better the 2nd time around
St. Peter's
Last major work of Palladio, made to look like a 3 story triumphal arch, surrounded by columns and colonnades, wall in back painted to look like street, ceiling looks like a sky
Teatro Olimpico
Rival of Brunelleschi, artist/architect, "won" the contest for the Gilded Doors
Born in London, grows up with classical education, fluent in Latin, works in parliament under Henry VII and VIII, Anti Reformation (YAY), executed in 1535 (not yay), wrote Utopia
(Saint) Thomas More
Florentine painter, sculptor, architect, poet; almost Renaissance Man, started work on Sistine Chapel, adds to OG floor plan of St. Peter's, famous works include: Pieta, Statue of David, Pope Julius II's tomb
Venetian architect, influenced by Vitruvius, best known for villas (47 UNESCO in 2 cities), made the 4 books on architecture, built several churches (and changed the facade style), made Teatro Olimpico
Created by Bramante, 3D optical illusion made on a 2D surface
Trompe L'Oeil
Leonardo daVinci's Masteries (only 5 needed)
Double Hull, Adding Machine, Flying Machine, Fighting Vehicles, Moving Walls, Automated Knights, Viola Organista, Parachutes, Hydraulic Pump
One of the most important English poets of the Renaissance, created modern English verse, made a new kind of stanza (ABABBCBCC), wrote Faerie Queene