Influential European Artists
Eras of Art throughout History
Types of Visual Art
Types of Visual Art 2
Created the most famous version of the "Last Super" and "The Mona Lisa"
Who is Leonardo Divinci
this technique is done by painting on a piece of paper and using water to thin the paint and distibute onto the canvas
What is watercolor painting
New movement that was made popular in the U.S. in the 1960's and brought out artists such as Andy Warhol
What is Pop Art Culture
images created by using quick strokes with lead or ink
What is sketching
images created by using a hand held device, can creat in black and white or color
What is photography
Painted the Sistine Chapel
Who is Michaelangelo
clay sculpture technique that is done by forming clay on a spinning wheel
What is wheel thrown pottery
Very dark architecture was made from stone with tall points and you could usually find statues and gargoyles on these structures
What is the Gothic Period
creations made be manipulating clay into a form
What is sculpture
Images created with computer software
What is computer graphic art
Was known for his dramatic representations of saints in everyday situations. Also a Ninja Turtle.
Who is Raphael
technique used with a paintbrush on canvas with oily paints
What is oil painting
Artist began moving away from religious paintings and began celebrating life and used bright colors in their paintings
What is The Rennaisance Era
tenique used by making a form out of news paper and covering it with strips of newspaper covered in a glue substace until it hardens
What is paper mache
images created by cutting out stencils and running ink over it. Used for making shirts and made popular by Andy Warhol
What is Screen Printing
This artist struggled his whole life and was not famous until he died after he went crazy and cut off his ear.
Who is Vincent Van Gough
technique done by using tiny dots to create an image
What is pointalism
very dark colors used to depict this era most paintings have very dark shadows that fade into black
What is the Baroque Period
created by using different objects and images cut out and placed to create a larger image
What is collaging
very colorful usually in the form of words and cartoon looking characters. Can be found on buildings
What is graffiti
This artist was known for his curioscurro techniques and realistic portraits of people including a self-portrait
Who is Rembrandt
Painting technique where paint is applied directly onto wet plaster on a wall for a permanent fix
What is the Fresco techique
The feminine version of the Baroque period. Very light and whites and golds were mainly used.
What is Rococo Period
art created by placing different colored tiles and stones to create a bigger image
What is a mosaic technique
art created by using cloth and thread to create larger images
What is tapestry art