What colors make orange?
Red and Yellow
Name a type of line.
Curly, zigzag, straight, dotted, curved, spiral, dashed, bold, thin.
True or false: a foam printing block can be used to print the same design more than once.
What element of art is a closed, two dimensional space?
How many elements of art are there?
Purple, green, and orange are what kind of colors?
Secondary colors
What is the word for thick and thin lines in art?
Line weight
What is the paint used for printmaking called?
What element of art is a mark on a page that goes from one point to another?
What is the element of light and dark?
What type of color scheme is blue, purple, and green?
Cool colors
Which type of line draws more attention to an area of a drawing: thick or thin?
What two-dimensional element of art was used in your printmaking designs?
What element of art is three-dimensional shapes?
Name one use for printmaking.
Cards, t-shirts, posters, selling multiple prints of artwork.
What type of color scheme are blue and orange, or green and red an example of? (Hint: _______ colors)
Complimentary colors
What is the technique of mixing colors or smudging pencil marks called?
What is the name for the tool that rolls on ink?
What element is created by lighting reflecting off an object and into the eye, also known as hue?
What Mexican painter is famous for self portraits, often including flowers, monkeys, or other animals?
Frida Kahlo
What type of color is blue-green an example of?
Tertiary color
How many dimensions does a line have?
What is the name for the tool that applies pressure to the print?
What element is how something feels or looks like it feels?
What NYC artist of Puerto-Rican and Haitian descent started out by creating street art? (Hint: Last name starts with a B, a poster of his work is at the front of the room)
Jean-Michel Basquiat