Tech. Devices
Areas in the classroom
Leaving the Room

What are the two items that you must bring to class everyday?

Ipad and pencil 


Where do you turn in completed physical assignments and digital assignments?

Physical: In the turn-in tray that has your grade and period number on it.

Digital: Canvas


How should you get your teacher's attention during class (for questions, leaving the room, etc)?

Raise your hand and wait for the teacher to call on you.

What should you do if you forgot a pencil?

In front of the room on the teacher's desk. Give it back at the end of the day. If it's out ask a friend or find one around the room. 


List at least three ways we are allowed to use our iPads in the classroom

Listening to music, how-to-draw tutorials, reference photos, bell ringers, submitting assignments, check time, free draw, etc


Are you allowed to touch, play with, or be near the kiln at any time?

You are never allowed to touch or be near the kiln. It's an automatic write-up if you do.


Where do you sign in and sign out to leave the room?

Front of the room on the bulletin board


What is the one food ingredient you are not allowed to bring into the classroom?

Peanuts. (sometimes dairy)


List at least three ways we are NOT allowed to use iPads/ Phones in the classroom

Watch movies/shows, Play video games,  Doing other class homework, phone calling/texting, listening to music on your phone, etc


When is it okay to be behind my desk or inside any of the cabinets?

Only when Ms. Dowdy permits you or asks you to.


Time wise: When are you able to leave the room?

After the first 10 minutes of class and before the last 10 minutes. 


List at least three things you are responsible for cleaning in the classroom.

Your desk, chair, the floor around the desk, art supplies, tote, etc. 


What are the first two offenses/consequences when not following the phone/iPad rules

  • 1st - Offence: Verbal Warning
  • 2nd- Offence: Devices goes on my desk

List three reasons why it would be okay to go into the two backrooms

Got permission, and was asked to go in there, Intruder Drill, printer, wash hands, etc.


What is Ms. Dowdy’s favorite color?



Explain how you are supposed to wait for the bell to leave the room.

  • Stay in your seat properly and wait for the bell quietly.
  • We do not line up to leave the room. 

What are the last two offenses/consequences when not following the phone/iPad rules

  • 3rd- Offence: Device goes to the office.
  • 4th- Offence: Device goes to the office and phone calls home.

List all of the people who are allowed to use/ be in your totes/ lockers

You, your tote partners, and Ms. Dowdy


List at least three reasons you might not be able to leave the room right away.

Someone else is out, there is a line, something going on in the office, not done barely any work, asked or has left my room every day, behavior is not acceptable, etc.


If you forgot to complete the morning bell ringer, where can you find it?

Go onto Canvas, go to our current project page, click on the PowerPoint, and find the bell ringer.