The element of art that is three dimensional; has shadow and angles
What is Form
The second sentence of our artist statement asks what 'medium' was used. The medium of your current project is?
What is colored pencil.
The act of transforming images to a new desired result
What is Image Manipulation.
The main color of an object
The middle color on you value scale
What is Hue
Pointy handheld tool used for scoring.
What is a needle tool
The side of the brain that is verbal, analytical and does not want to be creative
What is the left hemisphere of the brain
A technique learned during your colored pencil unit.
(more than one answer accepted)
What is coloring evenly in small circles
applying light layers
Grid drawing
shading in full range of value to create a 3D effect
Organizes your work into individual levels
What is a layer
The lightest part of an object, the lightest value on your value scale
What is the highlight
A mini model of a project
What is a maquette
The element of art that is two-dimensional.
What is shape
What the artwork is about.
Clue, the first sentence of your artist statement asks for the___________________
What is the subject matter.
Adjusts the transparency of the entire layer
What is use less pressure
accept also: add white
A 3D project viewed from all angles
What is in the round
Methods that shut down the L-mode and allow the R-mode to take over. These Methods helps an individual replicate an object or composition exactly.
(more than one answer)
drawing upside down, using
Grids, negative space & shapes, angles and
Universal placement of where artists' sign their name on their finished artwork.
What is on the lower right hand side of their artwork.
What is Edit Free Transform
Designed for use rather than beauty
What is Utilitarian
What is a 6B pencil.
Thoughtfully placing objects in your artwork to make it visually interesting.
What is Composition
What is the History Palatte.
What do these all have alike?
parma violet violet indigo blue tuscan red dark green blue violet
What is they are cooler undertones that create a darker shade hue.
Irreversible change in clay once fired