The culture/style of the Justinian Panel
What is Byzantine?
The artist of the Lamentation panel
Who is Giotto?
The location (city) of this sculpture.
What is Florence, Italy?
The artist of the Madonna and Child with Two Angels.
Who is Fra Filippo Lippi?
Who is Sandro Botticelli?
The gold background's symbolism.
What is heaven?
The explanation for David's nudity.
What is Heroic nudity? (it implies morality, virtue, and truth)
The medium of Madonna and Child with Two Angels.
What is Tempera (pigment and egg yolk) and wood panel?
What is tempera on canvas?
The type of leader embodied by Justinian in this mosaic panel.
What is a priest-king?
What is the embodiment of Church and State?
What is a leader with military, political, and religious authority?
What is permanent intermixture of tempera paint and plaster?
(artist applies tempera paint to still-wet plaster- this enables the paint to soak into the plaster rather than just painting it and letting it dry on top of the wall)
The change in those identifying themselves with David and Goliath at this time.
What is Florence as David, and Medici as Goliath?
The Italian word for the technique of modeling.
What is Chiaroscuro?
The reason why the Birth of Venus is considered innovative.
What is the first secular nude (both male and female) since antiquity?
What are Formal, Frontal, Flat, and Floating?
The original location of the sculpture and where it was moved to later during the Renaissance.
What is the courtyard of the Medici residence and the city hall?
Two ways in which The Madonna and Child with Two Angels show the humanizing of this religious subject.
What are Mary being a normal (not queen of heaven) mother and Christ being a normal (not old-man infant) baby?
What is Mary dressed in contemporary 15th century Italian noblewomen's fashion?
What is the halo being toned down?
What is a recognizable/local landscape?
What is the use of a contemporary 15th century woman as a model for Mary?
The reason why Botticelli destroyed many of his paintings and quit his life as an artist.
The technique of creating the illusion of three-dimensionality by the use of gradations of value (light and dark)
What is modeling?
One way in which this sculpture reflects Humanism?
What is reconciling the religious with the secular? ( rebirth of classical elements: nudity, contrapposto, naturalism, etc.)
The effect of the window frame painted in as part of the painting.
What is illusionism? What is the feeling of closeness between audience and subject?
The explanation that Neoplatonists gave for Venus' nudity.
What is the serious study or contemplation of physical/worldly beauty that will lead one to understand God's capacity to create perfection/beauty or to contemplate divine beauty?