This halted the spread of Protestantism and re-energized the faithful.
What is the Counter-Reformation?
During the 17th Century, the Dutch Republic was a Protestant nation without this.
What is an absolute ruler?
In 1661 this man became king of France.
Who is Louis XIV?
Republican leaders in America rejected both the grandiose splendors of Baroque architecture and the intricate ornamentation of Rococo decoration as inappropriate for a young democratic nation. Led by this person, America turned to Greece and Rome for models of dignified private and public buildings.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
Barye specialized in statuettes of these.
What are animals?
When this artist's sculpture of David was unveiled, many viewers ducked.
Who is Bernini?
This Dutch painter excelled at painting portraits of local civic groups. "Officers and sub-alterns of the St George Civic Guard, Haarlem" is one of his works.
Who is Frans Hals?
With the death of Louis XIV (the Sun King), this style emerged. This style emphasizes elegant designs that feature pastel colors.
What is Rococo Style?
This painting by Jacques-Louis David illustrates the theme of the conflict between patriotic duty and family love.
What is The Oath of Horatii?
Fuseli explored human psychology in this early Romantic painting.
What is "The Nightmare."
This artist created undulating facades (San Carlo)and walls (chapel of Saint Ivo), through a play of light and dark which created an illusion of movement.
Who is Borromini?
Rembrandt stood apart from all other 17th century Dutch artists. While other artists specialized in a certain type of painting, Rembrandt exhibited a range of interests that extended to this kind of engraving in which the design is incised in a layer of wax or varnish on a copper plate.
What is etching?
As the royal residence to Louis XIV and center of French government, this palace dominated french political and cultural life.
What is Versailles Palace?
This person is know as the greatest European portrait sculptor of the last half of the 18th century. This can be seen in his carvings of Voltaire and George Washington.
Who is Jean-Antoine Houdon?
La Marseillaise by Francois Rude is a sculpture on one of the piers of the arc de Triomphe. La Marseillaise is also known as this song, written in 1792
What is the French national anthem.
Tenebrism is the sharp contrast between these 2 things.
What is dark and light?
Vermeer created perfectly balanced paintings using this device that created an image by means of a hole for light on the inside of a dark box. The hole acted as a primitive lens and a scene from outside the box can be seen, inverted inside it.
What is camera obscura?
The most famous room in the Versailles Palace.
What is the Hall of Mirrors?
The Villa Rotonda and the Chiswick House influenced Thomas Jefferson's design of this building.
What is the Monticello?
Theodore Gericault's painting of a slave ship captain throwing his human cargo overboard.
What is the Raft of the Medusa?
"As Christ enters, a beam of light shines into the room highlighting Levi's face while creating deep pockets of shadow in the rest of the painting." This quote describes a painting by Caravaggio.
What is "Calling of Saint Matthew?"
The Dutch enjoyed genre paintings that depicted aspects of daily life. This artists captured the raucous and sometime comical home life of many Dutch families.
Who is Jan Steen?
Antoine Watteau's paintings capture the Rococo style and spirit. He is best known for inventing this type of painting. These paintings depicted festive gatherings in which elegant nobles converse, dance and enjoy music in pastoral settings
What is fete galante?
Three events fueled an interest in Greek and Roman history: The excavations at Herculaneum and Pompeii, the publication of "The History of Ancient Art" by Johann Joachim Winckelmann, and this.
What is The Grand Tour?
This artist portrayed the uncontrollable and frightening power of nature by showing the army of the great Carthaginian leader Hannibal invading Italy by marching through the alps in a snow storm.
Who is J.M.W. Turner?