Famous Artists
Art Movements
Famous artworks

He was a Middle and High Renaissance artist and a sort of engineer who invented many modern things.  He  travelled widely to Rome, Florence, Milan and even to France late in life.  He came from humble beginnings  and is named after where he is from...

Who is Leonardo Da Vinci?


What the period of Photo Realism in the mid-twentieth century is known for in its paintings.

Paintings that are so realistic that it is hard to tell they aren't photographs.


The piece of jewelry in Vermeer's famous Dutch Master's painting from 1665.

What the Pearl Earring from "The
Girls with the Pearl Earring"?


What really famous High Renaissance sculptor was also a Mannerist painter?

Michelangelo Buonarotti


Psychedelic drugs, in use in the counter culture of the era, inspired this high contrast, swirling and jumping geometric artwork. (1960s and 70s).

What is Op Art or Optical Art?


The most famous painting in the Louvre Museum in Paris, that is actually quite small and is protected by glass and many security systems.

What is Leonardo Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa"?


The surrealist artist famous for his wild behaviors, his huge mustache and his melting clocks. 

Salvador Dali


The art movement of the late 19th and early 20th century that was known for illustrating fleeting, changeable lighting conditions in nature with loose brush strokes.

 What is Impressionism.


The huge painting in the Chicago Art Institute by Georges Seurat created in a style called "Pointillism" because he used dots of color to create the image.  It is the basis of the Sondheim's Musical, "Sunday in the Park with George."

"A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte" 


The artist famous for his blown up images of cartoon-style print images, as paintings.  He painted in dot pixels and used primary colors.  

Who was Roy Lichtenstein?


Pablo Picasso lived a long life across two centuries, had a reputation of ignoring social norms, went through numerous periods of art (like his Blue Period and his Rose period) but is most closely associated with what art movement?

What is Cubism?


The 1893 painting by Norwegian artist, Edward Munch, that is very emotional and is widely parodied and copied because of its primal human response to stress.

What is "The Scream"?


During the last 30 years of his life, he painted approximately 250 versions of water lilies. 

Who was Claude Monet?


Banksy and Keith Haring are some of the most famous artists of this late 20th and early 21st century art style that began on the streets as spray paint images.

What is Graffiti Art?


The painting by Iowa artist, Grant Wood, of what seems to be a married farm couple, but is actually an image of a father and his daughter.  They are posed in front of their home on their farm, with the man holding a pitch fork.  It is widely parodied using stand-in characters or photo-shopped famous people.

What is "American Gothic"?