Definitions of Principles of Art
Rosie The Riveter
Uncle Sam
Color Theory
Identifying Principles of Art

This principle of art is described as the juxtaposition of difference, used to intensify the properties within a work. 

What is Contrast


In the beginning of WWII women were encouraged to do what?

What is women were encouraged to join the workforce as a patriotic service to their country.

Uncle Sam is based on a real person who lived in the 1800's. What is the name of the man who Uncle Sam is based off of?

What is Samuel Wilson


What are the primary colors?

What is red, yellow, and blue


Emphasis is used to attract a viewer’s attention to the focal point, or main subject, of an artwork. Where is the focal point in this imageEmphasis is used to attract a viewer’s attention to the focal point, or main subject, of an artwork. Where is the main subject in this image

What is Uncle Sam


This principle of art describes the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, texture, and space in an artwork

What is Balance


Rosie the Riveter represents what?

What is the women who took on industrial work for the duration of WWII


Uncle Sam represents what?

Uncle Sam has served as a symbol of patriotism, and is a personification of the government of the United States of America.


This color scheme refers to all the varieties of a single hue: the tints, shades, and tones.

What is Monochromatic color scheme


Describe an example of scale in this image.

The size of the germ compared to the size of the hand makes the germ look huge. This shows the importance of the germ.


This principle of art is an understanding of how the size of one object in a space relates to the size of the other objects in the space

What is Scale


The name of the artist behind the most famous and iconic "Rosie's" is?

What is Norman Rockwell

How was Uncle Sam used by the U.S. government in WW2?

The image of Uncle Sam was used to encourage men to enlist in the military and to encourage civilian support for the entry of the U.S. into World War I.


These colors are groups of three that are next to each other on the color wheel

What are analogous colors


How is unity shown in this image?

Unity is shown through the repetition of the patriotic colors in the border and in Uncle Sam's clothing


This principle of art is the repeating of an object or symbol all over the work of art.

What is pattern


Describe what happened after the war ended and men returned home

What is tensions arose as men returned home from war and re-entered the workforce. Women were not willing to relinquish their newfound freedom and independence. This started new debates on the role of women, especially in the workplace.


Uncle Sam hasn't always looked the same. After this U.S. President died artists started to draw Uncle Sam to look more like this president. What president is Uncle Sam based off of?

What is President Lincoln?


Part 1: What two colors are used to create the color green

Part 2: The complementary color of green is...?

Part 1: What is yellow and blue

Part 2: What is red


How is balance shown in this image?

What is symmetrical balance in the Notan


This Principle of art ties together all other elements within a piece of work, allowing each individual element to coexist with one another to form an aesthetically pleasing design

What is Unity


At this point, this was the first time women were being paid well and taught skilled labor in these new industrial jobs. This was a new experience to earn money for their hard work. These new women workers were referred to as what?



Why was Uncle Sam popular among soldiers?

Samuel was contracted by the U.S. government to inspect and provide meat to the soldiers. He stamped 'U.S.' on all the meat containers that were approved for the troops to eat.

Although the 'U.S.' stamp stood for United States, soldiers made a joke that the government meat came from Uncle Sam, and even started calling themselves Uncle Sam's soldiers.


Describe the color scheme in the following image

What is Complementary colors


How does this image demonstrate the principle of art, movement and rhythm?

What is to create movement in art, artists use contrasting colors and directional lines.

Contrasting colors can be seen in the colors of the sky.

Directional lines can be seen in the swirling and twirling of the marks in the sky.