The art and science of reasoning
subgroup that use pity, fear, anger, joy, intimidation etc...
Appeal to Emotion
A fallacy of induction based on a weak analogy.
False Analogy
A fallacy of clarity in which a key term in the argument is employed more than once with several different meanings.
This weather related item weighs about a million tons
a cloud
An attempt to reveal what was true on the basis of evidence & reason
Arguments that attempt to avoid the issue by insulting an opponent with abusive language
Ad Hominem Abusive
Arguments that assume the very thing that one is trying to prove
Begging The Question
Arguments that make a linguistic distinction between two things that are actually not different from each other
Distinction W/out Difference
Wearing this can reduce blood flow to the brain by 7.5 per cent.
A tie
An occurrence of bad or incorrect reasoning
Logical Fallacy
Arguments that distract by making a person want to feel “special.”
Snob Appeal
Arguments that make an unwarranted generalization on the basis of too few samples
Hasty Generalization
Customer- "Do you serve crabs here?"
Waiter- "Yes sir, we serve everyone."
The tallest mountain on Earth
Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa in Hawaii, the twin volcanoes, are taller than Mount Everest due to 4.2km of their heights being submerged underwater. The twin volcanoes measure a staggering 10.2km in total, compared to Everest’s paltry 4.6km.
What does Ad Hominem mean?
To the man or against the man.
Arguments that attempt to disprove an opponent’s position by presenting it in an unfair, inaccurate light
Straw Man Fallacy
Arguments that frame the debate in such a way that only two options are possible, when other possibilities may exist
Bifurcation (False Dilemma)
Arguments that rest on an improper emphasis placed on certain words or phrases
This is the happiest country on Earth
What are the two types of arguments?
What are Formal and Informal.
(Exa.) Really, you don’t believe in climate change? The vast majority of scientists believe that the earth’s climate is quickly changing!
Mob Appeal
(Exa.) The average person tells a lie every twelve hours
Fake Precision
(Exa.) Max isn’t really lazy. He just likes to sleep all the time.
Distinction w/out Difference
This on your skin causes itches
Arguments that make unwarranted assumptions about either the data or the nature of a reasonable argument.
Fallacies of Presumption
An argument that discounts a rival's position because the rival has not always been consistent in advocating or practicing his current position.
Tu quoque
I went to a chiropractor and he didn't help me. Those guys are just a bunch of quacks.
Hasty generalization
Father to Son: Why haven't you mowed the lawn yet today?
Son to Father: Dad, you said that I should mow the lawn before my soccer game--and my soccer game has been rescheduled for tomorrow. So, I don't have to mow the lawn until tomorrow.
Accent: The son is arguing that he can delay mowing the lawn another day by purposely accenting the word "before" used by his father. By emphasizing the word "before, he invests it with meaning that his father did not intend.
In this sport if you smile before the start of a match are more likely to lose
Attack on the source (IN Latin)
Ad Fontem
The thing or idea being argued is discounted solely because of its origin.
Genetic Fallacy
I don't care if that guy weighted 300 lbs! You're a Boy Scout, and Boy Scouts help those in need. You should have jumped right into that lake to try to save him!
Sweeping Generalization
Dagwood isn't really lazy. He just likes to sleep all the time.
Distinction without a Difference. Sleeping all the time certainly is a form of laziness. This statement makes a verbal distinction that is not a real distinction.
Only the female of this insects bite