You moron! To raise taxes that much is a waste of our time!
What is an ad Hominem Abusive fallacy?
If you don't want to use blue paper, and you don't want to use orange paper, we'll just use brown paper.
what is the fallacy of moderation?
An argument of presupposition that assumes that just because something is a certain way, it ought to be that way
what is the Is-Ought Fallacy?
An argument of presupposition that assumes the correct answer is always the middle ground or a compromise between two extremes
What is the Fallacy of Moderation?
free 200 points! whoever chose this gets 200 points automatically.
I don't want to take the Soviet union's side, because their communist. I also don't want to take Germany's side, because their mass-killing Jews. I don't know what to do.
what is the Bifurcation(false dilemma) fallacy?
Mom: you shouldn't lie.
Kid: but why?
Mom: it could hurt someone's feelings, for one.
Kid: but you lied to your friend last week about her shirt! you said it was looking good!
Mom: well, err, yes, but that was a special case.
What is the Tu Quoque fallacy?
Tries to discredit an opponent (a person or an organization) because of his/its back-ground, affiliations, or self-interest in the matter at hand
What is Ad Hominem Circumstantial?
an argument of presupposition that frames the debate in such a way that only two options are possible, when, in fact, other possibilities may exist
What is the Bifurcation(False Dilemma) fallacy?
an argument that distracts by introducing a related but different issue and making a case for the new issue, not the original one.
what is the Irrelevant Thesis fallacy?
Brownies are bad for you. they give you a tummy ache and cause other terrible things to happen to your digestive system.
what is the Begging the Question Fallacy?
Buy a Ford truck, transportation for the American working man!
What is the Mob Appeal?
An argument of presupposition that assumes that the qualities of the whole will also be true of every part of that whole. It moves from whole to part in its reasoning
What is the Fallacy of Division?
An ad fontem argument that states that an idea of belief should be discounted simply because of its source or origin
what is the Genetic Fallacy?
Complete this analogy:
a. Secretary : dictate
b. child : scribble
c. waiter : serve
d. author : write
e. diner : eat
what is d?
really, you don't believe in climate change? the vast majority of scientists believe that the earth's climate is quickly changing
what is the Mob Appeal, and Illegitimate Authority?
It's foolish to keep a gun in the hours for self-defense. I read just the other day that more people are killed in accidents with guns than are killed by people breaking into their houses.
What is the Appeal to Fear fallacy?
the other fallacies from the group with this argument in it:
argument that assumes that a rival's recommendation should be discounted because the rival does not always follow it himself
What is the Genetic Fallacy, the Ad Hominem Circumstantial Fallacy, and the Ad Hominem Abusive Fallacy?
A red herring argument that claims that since a proposition cannot be disproven, it must therefore be true or likely
What is the Appeal to Ignorance?
name all the fallacies you learned so far
What is I'm not going to write all these down, but ill tell you if your right or not.
Local School District Implements New Curriculum
The local school district has announced the implementation of a new curriculum designed to enhance student learning and performance. This curriculum includes advanced technology integration, project-based learning, and comprehensive assessments.
According to Superintendent Maria Gonzalez, "Each component of this curriculum is highly effective. Advanced technology enhances engagement, project-based learning develops critical thinking skills, and comprehensive assessments ensure students are meeting educational standards. Therefore, this new curriculum will undoubtedly lead to the best overall education experience for our students."
Parents and teachers have expressed mixed reactions. "I think using advanced technology is fantastic," said parent Sarah Johnson. "My child is always excited to use new gadgets and learn through interactive methods."
However, some teachers have raised concerns. "While each element of the curriculum is valuable, combining them may not automatically result in a better education for every student," said teacher John Adams. "We need to ensure that the integration of these elements aligns with the diverse needs of our students."
Despite the concerns, the district is optimistic about the new curriculum. "We believe in the power of innovation," said Gonzalez. "By combining these effective components, we are confident in providing a superior education experience."
What is the Fallacy of Composition?
City Council Approves New Public Transportation Plan
The City Council has announced the approval of a comprehensive new public transportation plan aimed at reducing traffic congestion and improving air quality. The plan includes the expansion of bus routes, the introduction of more electric buses, and the construction of additional bike lanes.
According to City Councilor Jane Smith, "This plan is a significant step forward for our city. Traffic congestion has been a persistent issue, and it's time we take concrete actions to address it. By expanding bus routes and introducing electric buses, we are not only providing more transportation options but also reducing our carbon footprint."
Many residents have expressed support for the plan. "I think it's a great idea," said local resident Tom Johnson. "With more bus routes and bike lanes, it will be easier for people to get around without relying on cars. This is exactly what our city needs."
However, some critics argue that the plan may not go far enough. "While the new transportation plan is a good start, it doesn't address the root cause of traffic congestion," said transportation expert Dr. Emily Davis. "We need to also consider implementing congestion pricing and improving pedestrian infrastructure."
Despite the criticisms, the overall sentiment is positive. The City Council believes that the benefits of the new transportation plan will outweigh any potential drawbacks. "This is just the beginning," said Smith. "We are committed to making our city a better place to live, and this plan is a crucial part of that effort."
What is the Bifurcation(false dilemma fallacy?
A/an _______________ fallacy that suggests we accept the opinions of an unnamed source, official, or spokesperson, therefore relying on secondhand information from unknown sources from An appeal to emotion that distracts the listener by citing an illegitimate authority and attempting to shame him into agreement
What is the Unnamed expert?
A __________________ argument in which the speaker defines terms in his argument in a way that assumes that his conclusion, which he is obligated to prove, is true from an argument of presupposition that assumes the very thing that one is trying to prove
What is the Loaded Definition Fallacy?
Name the fallacy being committed:
City Proposes New Recycling Initiative
The city has unveiled a new recycling initiative aimed at increasing environmental sustainability and reducing waste. The plan includes mandatory recycling for all households, the introduction of more recycling bins across the city, and educational programs on the benefits of recycling.
Mayor John Green stated, "This recycling initiative is crucial for our city's future. Recycling is important because it helps us manage waste more effectively and contributes to environmental sustainability. Therefore, we must implement this plan to ensure a cleaner and greener city."
Many residents have shown support for the initiative. "I think it's a fantastic idea," said resident Lisa Brown. "We all need to do our part to protect the environment, and mandatory recycling is a step in the right direction."
However, some critics argue that the plan may be difficult to enforce. "While the intentions are good, we need to consider the practical challenges of mandatory recycling," said environmental expert Dr. Karen White. "Enforcement and compliance will be key issues that the city must address."
Despite these concerns, the city administration is optimistic. "We believe that with the right resources and community support, this recycling initiative will lead to significant environmental benefits," said Mayor Green. "Recycling is essential, and this plan is the best way to achieve our sustainability goals."
What is the Begging the Question fallacy?