How many seconds should you be behind the car in front of you under favorable weather conditions?
4 seconds
Name 3 forms of payment.
Cash, Debit, credit, check
What would you use to measure flour?
Measuring cup
What is the best way to cook bacon?
Baked (correct)
Fried (more correct)
Staying organized and having a budget helps you do what?
Save money
What is the main difference between a dashed line on the road and a solid line on the road?
Dashed lines can be crossed, and solid lines shouldn’t be crossed.
What is a 10% tip on a $23.28 bill?
$2.32 (not rounded) or $2.33 (rounded)
What are 3 ways to cook eggs?
Sunny side up, fried (over easy, over medium, over hard), scrambled, omelet, in a cake, ect…
Don’t just say sorry, change your _______
What is formal attire?
For men- two or 3 piece suit with a shirt and tie
For woman- a full length dress or paint suit (usually solid colors)
What are the brown road signs used for?
Cultural/ historical significance
What is a budget?
A plan on how to spend your money
Why do you where gloves in the kitchen?
To protect the food from any germs on your hands
What is situational awareness?
Paying attention to the things going on around you, so that you can react to them as needed
Why are credit cards dangerous?
The interest can get you into debt that can be hard to get out of
What is the Florida “move over law”?
It states that if there is a stopped emergency vehicle with its lights on, you must slow down or move over a lane to ensure their safety.
What is the difference between credit and Debit?
Debit- is spending your own money
Credit- is spending the banks money that you have to payback with interest.
What is the difference between chopped and minced?
The size of the pieces of food when you’re done.
Life isn’t _______
How many teaspoons are in a tablespoon?
What are the 3 types of distractions when driving?
Visual, manual, cognitive
What are the five food groups?
(Bonus 500 points: name the recommended daily amount)
Fruit (2), Grains (5-6), Vegetables (5-5.5), Protein (2.5), Dairy (3.5)
What should you use to put out a grease fire?
Fire extinguisher, baking soda, or salt
(not water or flour)Mrs. Kim proved Mr. David wrong about this earlier in the year.
You should always strive to be _______
What is a butterfly bandage used for?
It is used to hold a wound closed and avoid needing stitches