Acadeca Style
Lidded Salt Cellar is made of this material (Bonus points for its source)
What is ivory; elephant tusks
DAILY DOUBLE: Wager click "correct response" to see question
What is the name of the figure on top of the guro face mask.
Fading Cloth (El Anatsui) is made of what material. A. Cotton. B. Adire. C. Wood. D. Metal E. Wool F. Plant Matter
What is D, metal. Crushed Bottle Caps to be exact.
El Anatsui references all of the following except: A. Traditional Art B. Kente Cloth C. Historical events D. European Art
What is D, European art influence is not present in Fading Cloth.
The image on the top of Guro Face mask originates from: A. Guro Tradition B. South Africa C. India D. North Africa E. Arabia
What is C, India. Travelled by way of German transport.
The Asafo flag has this in the top corner
What is the British Union Jack
The guro face mask is from this country
What is Cote d'Ivoire
All of the following have no named artist except: A. Face mask B. Yoruba Wrapper C. Fading Cloth D. Asafo Flag E. Lidded Salt Cellar
What is Fading Cloth, El Anatsui created that. All others are anonymous or unknown.
The lidded salt cellar and the guro face mask have this in common: A. They are both red. B. They are both carved of Ivory C. They feature the same deity. D. They feature the same animal. E. The faces have the same expressions.
What is D. They both have snakes.
The height of the Benin empire was during the. A. 14th century B. 15th Century C. 16th Century D. 17th Century E. 11th Century
What is C, 16th century. (1500s)
African slaves with African owners experienced all of the following except. A. More rights than African slaves with European owners. B. Possibility to free themselves through hard work. C. Harsh treatment D. A caste like system that kept them and their children as slaves. E. Were usually prisoners of war.
What is D. Slaves had the possibility to move out of their slavery. All others are true.
El Anatsui is from this African country
What is Ghana (Independence: 1957)
The Asafo Flag contains these elements. (List as many as possible) (BONUS POINTS: Who issued the doctrine of lapse?)
What is a union jack, a crocodile, a pond full of fish, one big fat gold fish, birds around the pond.
Flags like the asafo flag include THIS country's flag after 1957. A. French. B. South African C. Egyptian D. Ghanian E. Moroccan
What is D, Ghanian. After Ghana won its independence, art shifted to accomodate this.
The yoruba wrapper features motifs from each of the following except: A. British B. Yoruban C. North African D. Muslim
What is C. North African influence is not clearly depicted. The british is King George V and Queen Mary in the center. The Yoruban is the flora and animals surrounding on both sides. Muslim is the mosques.
Benin Kingdom is where?
Fading Cloth is based off of: A. European Art Styles B. Ancient African Art Styles C. Middle Eastern Art Styles D. A luxury item among Europeans E. A luxury item among Africans
What is E. Fading cloth is based off Kente cloth, a luxurious item for important African households.
The scramble for africa began in the... A. 1850s B. 1860s C. 1870s D. 1880s E. 1890s
What is D, 1880s. (Berlin Conference: 1884-1885)
Guro Face Mask was intended for: A. War. B. Masquerade C. Everyday Use D. It is useless. E. Display
What is B, masquerade. Masquerade was a very important aspect of Guro life. It had powerful spiritual significance.
The phrase on Yoruba Wrapper reads: A. Exterminate the Brutes B. Cogito Ergo Sum C. Long Live The King and Queen D. Everything is Known To God E. God is the greatest (Alluhu Ackbar in Arabic)
What is D. Everything is Known To God. (Muslim)
Asafo flags are: A. Carefully stored away and seen on special occasions B. On a flag pole C. Held by warriors during battle. D. Used to cover corpses.
What is A. They were used to tell stories and proverbs, they had much cultural significance and therefore were treated carefully.
Lidded salt cellar most clearly represents: A. The spiritual distinction between life and death B. Biology of animals and humans C. Portrait of important peoples. D. The interaction between Portugese expeditions and native people.
What is D. Art critic William Fagg described it as "Afro-Portugese", implying the connection between the art and the artist.
What is the significance of "Asafo Flag" to the native people? A. Display B. No significance C. Military D. Story Telling E. Religion.
What is D, flags were used to express proverbs. This one is the crocodile protecting the fish so he can eat them later. The flags were stored away neatly and were very valuable.
Snakes are important symbols in which two works.
What is face mask and saltcellar.
The Benin Kingdom exported all of the following except: A. Cast Metal objects B. Ivory carvings C. Coral carvings D. Three dimensional figures E. Wood carvings
What is E, wood carvings. All the others are true.