Classroom Procedures
Classroom Expectations
True or False
Art Materials
Teacher Trivia
Name one reason why is it important to follow instructions for using materials
What is so that you stay safe; so that you can do your project correctly and get a good grade; so that we are not wasting or ruining materials.
The only way you can fail this class is if you...
What is don't do the projects and/or don't turn things in.
True or False: You have to be an amazing artist to get a good grade in class.
What is false.
The most basic and essential art tool that you will use almost every day
What is a pencil

What is my favourite art medium?

Oil painting.

What is the one thing you need to bring to class everyday?
What is a pencil
What do you do when the teacher is talking?
What is sit quietly and listen.
True or False: The bell dismisses you when it is time to leave.
What is false.
These come in handy when you make a mistake.
What is an eraser.

Where did I study teaching?

What is Griffith University

What do you do if you are tardy?
What is quietly enter the room, sign in on the tardy sheet, and have a seat.
Where will you put your work before you leave class?
What is in your drawer or bin.
True or false: If you use supplies correctly, you will get to do more fun projects.
What is true.
This comes in a variety of colors and can be used to change the color of walls.
What is paint
What type of pet do I have?
What is a dog.
If a student is absent for 3 days, how many days do they have to make up their missed work?
What is 3 days.
You cannot use the restroom until ___ minutes into class and you cannot use the restroom the last ___ minutes of class.
What is 10 minutes.
True or False: You can use your phone in class as long as you are only using it to look up a reference picture for your project.
What is false.
When putting paint brushes away, do you put the brush part facing up or facing down?
What is facing up so that the brush stays nice.

How do you spell my last name?

What is Smith.

Name the three choices you have if you are completely finished with your project.
What is read, free draw, or choose an activity from the "finish early" bins.
Name the large oven that cooks clay and can get up to 2,400 Degrees Fahrenheit.
What is the kiln
True or false: You may use the restroom as long as you ask for permission, sign out, and take a pass with you.
What is true.
This is a 3-D material that comes from the ground and can be used to create vases, cups, etc.
What is clay.

What is my favorite sport?

What is Fly fishing.