Artist Info.
Symbols in Art
Painting Techniques & Styles of Art
Renaissance and Baroque Facts
Other Tidbits
Died from injuries when he fell from a scaffold while working on a painting
Murillo-The Nativity
halo is a symbol for
da Empoli's Three Maries at the Tomb What provides the focal point
3 hands near center provide a focal point
Most important center for Baroque art
Small winter landscapes such as van Breen's Skating on the Frozen Amstel River were called...
Founder of Rococo style
Watteau (Heureux age!Age d'or Happy Age! Golden Age)
cut flowers are a symbol for... Still Life with Flowers in a Glass Vase by van der Ast
flowers will wilt, reminder that earthly beauty and life do not last long
Why did van der weyden distort the baby in Virgin and Child?
To create tension and drama
What were popular types of art during the Baroque period (3)
Still Lifes, Landscapes, genre paintings (scenes of everyday life)
In Bordone's Salome Given the Head of St. John the Baptist by Herod what is unique about the clothing?
People are wearing clothing in styles from the artist's own time instead of Biblical times
Hired specialists in figure painting to add people in his landscapes
Hobbema (A Wooded Landscape)
pomegranate Portrait of the Dwarf Michol by Carreno
Christian symbol representing eternal life and represents the ruling family of Spain
Master of the Osservanza painted Adoration of the Shepherds, Saint John the Baptist, Saint Bartholomew as a small triptych. What is a triptych and what was its purpose?
A triptych has three panels or parts. This one was used for private use as an aid to prayer or meditation in someone's home. It can close and the owner can take it along on travels.
At the end of the Baroque period, this style of art became popular
Murillo painted The Nativity on what type of surface
a slab of obsidian (black volcanic glass)
Valued by art historians more for his writing than his painting. (Wrote collection of biographies of artists of his time)
Passeri (Musical Party in a Garden)
sword and armor Portrait of Alessandro Farnese by Mor
adult duties he will soon have
van der Ast-Still Life of Flowers in a Glass Vase was painted on what type of surface?
a piece of copper
This type of paint developed in the Renaissance allowed artists to blend more and use gradual shading.
Oil paint
In Saint Joseph and the Christ Child, why is the child holding a piece of fruit.
The apple represents fruit of the tree of knowledge.
Why would an artist be named as "Master of" as in Master of the Osservanza" and what is an Osservanza?
Artist was unknown Osservanza is the name of a church in Italy
The painting Allegory of Europe by Oudry is an allegory for .. and the marble statue stands for...
the painting stands for air the sheet music, instruments, bird that flies, monkey that leaps all suggest the element of air Marble statue stands for Europe.
This was characteristic of Dutch landscape painting because the Netherlands is mostly low, flat country, some partly below sea level.
Low horizon lines-paintings mostly sky
What was an important development during the Renaissance that led to more literacy and education.
printing press
This artist painted his own self portrait in this genre scene.
Passeri Musical Party in a Garden