Elements of Art
Principals of Design
Rules of Composition
Tools of the Trade
Other Important Terms

Some consider it to be the most basic element of art. Often used to define the edges of a form it is a mark on a surface that can be created by moving from one point to the next. It can be curved, diagonal, straight, thick, thin. 

What is "Line?"


Repeating line, shapes, forms, or colors throughout a work of art.

What is "Pattern?"


A composition guideline that states that an odd number of subjects is more interesting than an even number of subjects.

What is "The Rule of Odds?"


A tool that can be used to create a perfect circle. It usually has a metal point on one end to anker the tool and a pencil which can be slid into to the other end.

What is a "Compass?"


Describing the level of intensity of a hue this is often a setting found on an image editing app.

What is "Saturation?"


What is seen when light reflects off an object. Made up of 3 characteristics: Hue, Value, and Intensity. Often represented on a wheel including 3 primary, 3 secondary, and 6 tertiary sections.

What is "Color?"


The distribution of objects, visual weight across a composition's elements. This includes the arrangement of objects, textures, and space.

What is "Balance?"


A type of off-center composition where important elements of an image are placed along a 3×3 grid, which equally divides the image into nine parts. This often creates greater interest to the subject.

What is "The Rule of Thirds?"


Denotes the Hardness or Blackness levels of graphite or charcoal. 

What are "the H and B symbols"? or What is the "Graphite Scale?"


It means "putting together." It can be thought of as the organization of the elements of art according to the principles of art.

What is "Composition?"


The perceived surface quality of a work of art characterized by physical properties. Referring to how an object in an image might feel if touched. 

What is "Texture?"


The state of being strikingly different from something else, often referring to the difference in value of an image.

What is "Contrast?"


It can be used to create a focal point within artworks. By arranging different visual elements such as line, texture, shape, color, value, space and form, artists are able to draw attention to certain aspects of their work by creating contrast.

What Is "Emphasis?"


Describes the thickness of paper.

What is "Weight?"


The technique of gradually transitioning from one hue to another, or from one shade to another, or one texture to another.

What is "Gradation?"


It refers to the range of lightness or darkness of colors and tones.

What is "Value?"


Artists can use it to direct the viewers eye and can create emphasis on specific objects in an image.

What is "Movement?"


A composition technique used to draw attention to certain areas of an image by positioning less important elements around a subject to draw emphasis to the subject.

What is "Framing?"


It can be used to sharpen a blending stump or a softer mark making tool like charcoal or pastel in place of a standard pencil sharpener.

What is "Sandpaper?"


Describes foreground, middle ground, background, and any other lay of distance in an image.

What is a "plane?"


1 of the 7 elements of art, this element utilizes positive and negative areas of an image. It can also refer to the feeling of depth or dimension.

What is "Space?"


The quality that creates a sense of wholeness or oneness in a composition by combining different elements together.

What is "Unity?"


 It can be used to place a point of interest in an image, as the eye will naturally flow through the rest of the image. It is how the viewer’s eyes will move as they follow the object’s natural curves. When this is applied, it can make works of art more visually appealing

What is "The Golden Spiral?" or "The Golden Ratio?"


The proper name of a blending stump.

What is a "Tortillion?"


Three terms describing a hue mixed with 1. white, 2. , and 3. black. (Answer in this order or it is wrong)

What are "Tint, Tone, and Shade?"