The exoskeleton is made of what material?
Chitin- protects but is flexible
Arachnids or the spider group have ___ legs.
What kind of eye do most arthropods have especially insects?
Centipedes and millipedes have to live in what areas to survive.
Moist areas under rocks
The shedding of the skin or exoskeleton of an arthropod is called ____.
What is the main role of the queen bee?
To lay eggs to produce more bees
The female mosquito's saliva is different in what way?
Prevents blood from coagelating
What 3 insects can fly fairly fast?
Flies, bees, moths
Eggs- larvae- pupa- adult describe what kind of metamorphosis?
Spiders, centipedes, king crabs, and crayfish have what eating category or type?
What is the disadvantage of an exoskeleton
Body can't grow larger without molting
Appendages on arthropods include claws, walking legs, wings, flippers, and what other common part?
The part of an insect that grinds food, helps with filter feeding, and pushes through water are the ____.
Spiders have only two main body parts: a abdomen and a ____.
Give at least two reasons why there are so many arthropods
1. First animals, 2. great number of offspring, 3 reproduce all year long
The ears in grasshoppers are located where?
Behind their legs
How do worker ants tell other ants where the food supply is?
Drag their abdomen on the ground and leave a chemical trail
Complete metamorphosis insects are bees, moths, beetles, and ____.
Ticks, fleas, and lice are all what special group of arthropods?
Chitin can be used to help humans in what way?
Dress wounds
By dancing a worker bee can tell other bees the type of food, the direction of the food, the quality of the food, and ___.
Distance to the food
What kind of insect is in the pores on our skin?
Insects that live in colonies include termites, bees, and what other two?
Wasps and ants
Spiders can capture their prey with webs, stalk and pounce, and ___.
Lie in wait
Millipedes can defend themselves by rolling into a ball and ________.
Secrete toxic chemicals