In the opening paragraph, why do some people pray to particular members of the Trinity?
There are different situations in which you may feel more comfortable praying to particular members of the Trinity.
Does God only care about us if we are baptized? Explain what the book says about the purpose of Baptism and God’s love in the last paragraph in the section on God the Father.
No. Baptism is necessary for Salvation but God’s love extends to all people.
What did Jesus do and say to the Apostles on Pentecost?
He says, “receive the Holy Spirit” and gives them the Holy Spirit.
When Jesus calls God Abba, what two things do we learn about Jesus’ relationship with God the Father?
Filial relationship and its intimacy.
Using the Roman context, how is Christ our Redeemer?
He pays the ransom to free us from slavery to sin.
Why does the second verse of the Bible allude to the Holy Spirit?
The word wind is the same as breath (God’s breath) – which is often equated with the Holy Spirit
What do we acknowledge when we express that God is our Father?
That He is the eternal source of life.
How has the Holy Spirit acted in salvation history in a “humble way”?
He always points to the Son and not Himself.
Why do we call the Holy Spirit an “advocate” for us?
He helps us, strengthens us, and empowers us for holiness.
In the opening paragraph, why do some people pray to particular members of the Trinity?
There are different situations in which you may feel more comfortable praying to particular members of the Trinity.
According to Romans 8 (found in the textbook), what spirit did we receive and what does this mean for us?
We received a spirit of adoption, so that when we suffer with Jesus we are also glorified in Jesus.
What do the Gifts of the Holy Spirit do for Christians? What about the fruits of the Holy Spirit?
The gifts empower us to be true followers of Christ. The fruits are signs of what we will receive in heaven.
When Jesus invites us to call God “Father” and teaches His disciples to pray the Our Father, what is He bringing us into? What makes it possible for this to happen?
He brings us into their intimate relationship. This happens through Baptism.
Explain the three meanings of calling Christ our Savior.
He reconciles God and humanity. He shows God’s love to us and how to be holy. We can share in His divine life as sons of God.
List each of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and what they mean.
Wisdom: Opens our eyes to God’s plan and follow it into heaven.
Understanding: We can choose the right thing in difficult situations
Counsel: Know right from wrong and choose the right consistently
Fortitude: Doing the right thing even when it is hard.
Knowledge: Empowers us to learn more about faith.
Piety: Reverence for God and all that He’s done for us.
Fear of the Lord: Profound respect and marvel at God’s goodness.