What would you do?
First Presidents
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If you were a farmer in Massachusetts in 1786 facing heavy debt and high taxes, and the state government wasn't offering relief, you might join this protest.

What is Shay's Rebellion?


The number of men who held the title of president under the Articles of Confederation before George Washington became the first U.S. president under the Constitution."

What is Eight?


The Articles of Confederation gave Congress the power to raise and maintain this during times of war, though it relied on state contributions.

What is the power to maintain an army and a navy?


Under the Articles of Confederation, each state, regardless of size, had this number of votes in Congress.

What is one vote?

Often the result of a long workout or wearing shoes without ventilation, this smelly item is a common laundry offender.

What is sweaty socks?


If you were a state under the Articles of Confederation and wanted to protect your local industries, you might impose these fees on goods imported from other states.

What is impose tariffs?


Elected under the Articles of Confederation, this man is often called the first President of the United States for his role as the presiding officer of Congress in 1781.

Who is John Hansen?


Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress could request money from the states but lacked this critical power to enforce compliance

What is the power to tax?


Under the Articles of Confederation, this type of legislature was established, meaning there was only one house of Congress, unlike the two houses in the current system.

What is unicameral legislature?


This recreational activity, popularized in the 1970s, involves four-wheeled footwear and is often done at rinks or outdoors on smooth surfaces.

What is rollerskating?


If you were a state leader in the early United States that had paid off their state debts, and the federal government proposed a plan to assume state debts from the Revolutionary War what might you do?

What is oppose the assumption of state debts?


He was the fourth president of Congress under the Articles of Confederation and served during the time of Shay's Rebellion.

Who was Richard Henry Lee?


Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress could regulate this between states and foreign countries, though it had no power to enforce it.

What is trade?


Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress was made up of one house, and representatives were selected by state legislatures, with each state sending between two and seven delegates. This body was known as the...

What is the Confederation Congress?


This single circular lens, often held in place by squinting, was a favorite accessory of wealthy gentlemen in the 1800s.

What is a monocle?


If you were a member of Congress under the Articles of Confederation in the late 1780s and found that the federal government struggled to raise funds to pay off war debt and maintain the military, what might you do?

What is address the lack of power to enforce taxes?


This third president under the Articles of Confederation served from 1783 to 1784 and was in office when George Washington resigned his commission.

Who is Thomas Mifflin?


This was the power Congress had to organize and control the settlement of newly acquired western territories.

What is the power to manage western lands?


Under the Articles of Confederation, there was no system of courts to settle disputes between states or enforce laws, leading to a major gap in the legal framework.

What is no judicial system?


This short-form video platform, launched in 2016, became a global sensation for its lip-syncing, dance challenges, and viral trends.

What is TikTok?


If you were a leader in the 1780s, seeing the failure of the Articles of Confederation to maintain order and resolve conflicts, you might push for a gathering of delegates to create a stronger national framework.

What is encourage a constitutional convention?


This Virginian served as the final President of the Congress of the Confederation from 1788 to 1789, overseeing the transition to the U.S. Constitution.

Who is Cyrus Griffin?


Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress had this power to make agreements and alliances with foreign nations

What is the power to conduct foreign affairs?


Under the Articles of Confederation, any change to the document required this type of vote.

What is unanimous?


Played with sticks or hands, this instrument is essential to rhythm sections in various music genres, including rock, jazz, and classical.

What is drums?