When were the Ariticles of Confederation ratified?
He was a farmer who could not pay his bills because he was not paid for his military service. The government was trying to take away his farm because he was now in debt. He also could not pay for high taxes placed by the government. So he rebelled against the government.
Why was the government unsuccessful under the Articles of Confederation?
What is it did not have enough power
How many states were in the Confederation?
What is 13
What does the word ratify mean?
to approve
What was Daniel Shay accused of?
what is treason
Who did Shay's Rebellion mainly consisted of?
What is ex-veteran farmers?
Under the Articles of Confederation how many votes did each state have?
What is one
What was the first American government called?
What is the Articles of Confederation
what is a veteran?
someone who fought in the military
On what date was the Constitutional Convention held?
What was the purpose of the Articles of Confederation?
What is to outline the powers of the national government.
What was the issue with taxes under the AOC?
What is they could not collect taxes from the states
What replaced the Articles of Confederation?
What is the U.S. Constitution
what was the Constitutional Convention?
A meeting where they wrote the Constitution
In what year did Daniel Shays lead his troops in a surprise attack against the government?
What is 1786
Daniel Shay was from which state?
What is Massachusetts
Laws had to be approved by __ out of ___ states?
What is 9 and 13?
What was considered one of the major events leading to the formation of the US Constitution?
What is Shay's Rebellion
What is a rebellion?
An act of protest against the government
What did John Hancock do to Daniel Shay when he became governor?
What is he pardoned him
What is Daniel Shay famous for?
What is creating a rebellion to protest the government
what is true
What was Shay and the other rebels committed of after the rebellion?
What is treason?
a group or organization that stands together for a common purpose
What is a confederation?
What is a confederation?