The three most commonly used colors in Arab country flags.
What is red, white, and green?
What is Iraq, Sudan, Morocco/Maghreb, Lebanon, and Egypt/Masr?
The phrase "Shako Mako" comes from the following country.
What is Iraq?
Cristiano Ronaldo plays on a team in this Arab Country.
What is Saudi Arabia?
The number of Arab countries in Asia.
What is 12?
The Arab country that had the most recent flag change.
What is Syria?
The country that Mai and Nourhan traveled to together.
What is Dominican Republic?
This is the name for the Moroccan/Maghrebi dialect.
What is Darija?
The number of Arab countries in Africa.
What is 10?
Arab countries that have Arabic writing in them. (Hint: 3)
What is Iraq, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia?
The amount of seniors on exec.
What is 4?
The correct word for milk in Modern Standard Arabic.
What is haleeb? (Laban is the official name for milk in Classical/Quranic Arabic.)
Winners of the 26th Arabian Gulf Cup.
What is Bahrain?
This Euphrates River runs through three countries, two of which are the following Arab countries.
What is Iraq and Syria?
Qatar and Bahrain share a similar flag, this one is maroon and this one is red.
What is Qatar to Maroon and Bahrain to Red?
This is Dima's ethnicity.
What is Kurdish or Turkish?
A country whose official language is Arabic, but is not part of the Arab league. (Hint: 2 possible answers, name at least one.)
What is Chad or Mali?
Arab countries that participated in the 2022 Fifa World Cup. (Hint: 4)
What is Qatar, Morocco/Maghreb, Saudi Arabia, and Tunisia?
This Tigris River runs through four countries, two of which are the following Arab countries.
What is Iraq and Syria?
This color appears only in 3 of 22 Arab country flags.
What is blue?
What is Zineb?
The number of countries who have Arabic as an official language.
What is 24?
What is Morocco/Maghreb?
Arab countries in Africa.
What is Algeria, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Somalia, Sudan, and Tunisia?