What is a preventative measure that we can do at the beginning of every single practice, private, and class?

Warm-Up & Stretch


What are some of the most common cheer & dance injuries? (need 3 correct answers)

- Concussions

- Sprains

- Fractures

- Shin Splints

- Cartilage Tears (eg., meniscus, shoulder)


How many emergency exits do we have in the main gym? (not including the dance den)



How can we promote hydration and prevent heat-related illnesses?

Providing Frequent MANDATORY Water Breaks


During practice, if an athlete falls and hits their head, what immediate action should be taken by the coach?

Assess for signs of concussion and prevent further injuries


In the event of an injury occurring at practice, what is the first action the coach should do?

Stop all activity & access the athlete's injuries


What should you teach to prevent athlete injuries?

Teach Proper Technique


An athlete gets injured at your practice. What do you do with the rest of your team? (multiple answers)

- Instruct the rest of the team to get water

- In severe cases, instruct the team to stand in front of the gym

- Ask your co-coach or another coach at the gym to supervise your athletes as you care for the injured athletes


In the event of a fire, what is the appropriate action for coaches?

Calmly evacuate all of the athletes to the parking lot (IN FRONT OF THE GYM) and call 911


How can we prevent stunting injuries when trying new skills?

- Utilizing Spotters

- Starting with Fundamentals

- Drills, Drills, Drills


An athlete keeps complaining about an injury and consistently asks to sit out during practice... What should you do?

Contact the athlete's guardian - Discuss the issues occurring at practice & request that they get seen by a doctor/specialist (don't be afraid to ask for a doctor's note)


OMG there's an earthquake happening during the middle of practice... What do you do?

Keep yourself and your athletes INDOORS - Get your athletes under the desk and/or "Drop, Cover, and Hold On!"


How can we prevent tumbling injuries?

- Spotting

- Correct Usage of Mats

- Understand the Athlete's Capabilities

- Start with Fundamentals

- Drills


An athlete gets injured under your supervision. Who is everyone you should contact (IN ORDER)?

1. Athlete's Guardian (immediately)

2. Tiffany Chambers (ASAP)

3. Athlete's Head Coaches (if necessary)


There's a weird man outside of the gym late at night (none of the athletes know who this person is)... What do you do?

Lock the doors. Call an athlete's guardian to assist you with getting all of the athletes safely with their parents. If you feel unsafe, ask a parent to stay at the gym until you lock up (if you're closing).