Terms of Addiction
Understanding Addiction

The state of adaptation in which exposure to a drug induces changes that result in dimunition of one or more of a drugs effect over time

What is Tolerance


What is any action by another person or an interaction that intentionally or unintentionally has the effect of facilitating the continuation of an individuals addictive process?

What is enabling?


What is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience strength and hope with each other to help solve their common problems and recover?

What is AA and NA?


What is the inability to consistently limit the self administration of a psychoactive substance?

Loss of control


symptoms are those that make you feel as though you are reliving the event.



What is the removal of legal restrictions on the cultivation manufacture, distribution, possession and or use of a psychoactive substance

What is legalization


What are dysfunctional changes in physiological functioning, psychological function, mood state , cognitive process - or all of these as a consequence of substance use that causes CNS impairment?

What is drug intoxication?


What is the term that the health care field as been using to replace the term compliance?

What is adherance?


What are the procedures by which a clinician evaluates a clients strengths, resources, preferences, limitations, problems and needs?

What is an Assessment or Evaluation?


What are transient spontaneous recurrences of the effects of a drug following a period of normalcy?



What is an individuals degree of health, wellness and freedom from specific signs and symptoms of a mental health or substance use or addictive disorder which determines level of treatment?

What is level of function


What is the removal of criminal penalties for the possession and use of illicit psychoactive substances?

What is decriminalization?


What are clinical presentations due to addictive behaviors such as gambling or internet gaming that may or may not substantiate a diagnosis?

What are addictive conditions?


What is a collaborative process which assesses plans, implements, coordinates , monitors and evaluates the options and services to meet needs using available resources?

What is Case Management?


Occurs when trauma is transferred from one generation of survivors to the next.

what is intergenerational trauma


A dysfunction state resulting from the use of a psychoactive substance or mental emotional or cognitive problems

What is impairment?


What is the point at which an individuals active involvement with a treatment service is terminated and he or she is no longer carried on the records as a clilent?

What is discharge?


What is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry?

What is addiction?


This is what an individual experiences (guilt and shame) after a return to SU after a period of abstinence from SU

What is abstinence Violation Effect: AVE


What are physical and emotional limits that people set for themselves as a way to safeguard their overall well-being?

What are boundaries?


What is a pattern of alcoholism in more than one generation within a family due to a genetic or environmental factors or both?

What is familial alcoholism?


What is an acute anterograde amnesia with no formulation of long term memory resulting from the ingestion of alcohol or other drugs?

What are blackouts?


What is intentional and consistent restraint from the pathological pursuit of reward and or relief involving the use of substances or other behaviors?

What is abstinence?


This can be effective in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies in OUD therapies in OUD treatment and can help sustain recovery.

What is MAT?


What is an intense unpleasant and dysfunctional reaction beginning after an overwhelming traumatic event - less than a month after trauma?

Acute Stress Disorder