What is the Army Regulation for ASAP?
What is AR 600-85
How must commanders conduct urine analysis?
What is random testing?
What does the acronym SUDCC represent?
What is Substance use disorder clinical care?
What are some drugs (NAME FIVE) that are illegal to consume?
What are
-Barbituric acid
-Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
-Any compound or derivative of any such substance?
What are the two overarching tenets of ASAP?
What are prevention and treatment?
How many days does the commander have to process separation upon a positive urine analysis?
What is 30 calender days?
What does SUDCC provide?
What are assessments, treatment, and aftercare?
What are some common illegal substances that can be found in vapes?
What is CBD and Delta 8/ Delta 9 (THC)?
What does treatment consist of?
What is Screening and rehabilitation programs?
How long do individuals have to report after being notified for a Urine Analysis?
What is two hours?
How many methods are there for identification?
What are six methods of identifications?
What is a natural substance found in cannabis, also known as marijuana, and also in hemp plants?
What is CBD?
What does prevention consist of?
What is education, deterrence, ID/Detection, Referral, and risk reduction?
What are the expectations for the Commanders ASAP program for their units?
What are
-Appoint a unit prevention leader (UPL) to conduct the unit’s ASAP activities
-Establish a unit testing program
-Implement prevention and education initiatives?
What are the methods of identifications?
What is Voluntary, Commander/supervisor, Drug testing, Alcohol testing, Investigation/apprehension, Medical?
What was banned from the Olympics, college athletics, and by the National Football League?
What is Ephedra?
What modes by which Soldiers and other beneficiaries can access ASAP services?
What are referrals?
What article under UCMJ covers drugs and paraphernalia?
What is article 112a?
What form is used to refer self or a Soldier to SUDCC?
What is DA FORM 8003?
What is an amphetamine derivative that has been marketed in sports performance?
What is DMAA?