Inside Jokes
The Mind
Food & Groceries
Memes Through The Years

This phrase is coined whenever someone leaves the discord call, famously said most by Calvin

What is, "And he was never heard from again"

(Also take: What is "Can't believe they just left like that")


This part of the body controls thoughts, emotions, and actions.

What is the brain?


In this 2007 Pixar film, a rat named Remy dreams of becoming a famous chef.

What is Ratatouille 


This poultry item has been in recent turmoil due to the avian bird flu.

What are eggs


Much like Jesus Christ for our sins, this famous gorilla  died and began a new age of memes.

Who is Harambe?


Often preformed by Brent, what does it mean to "Write a letter".

What is Smoke Weed.


Like Ethan, Pavlov was also interested in dogs. So much so, his most famous experiment was this.

What is Pavlov's dogs


Due to consumer backlash, this famous movie caused the creators to redesign their main character.

What is the Sonic Movie


This famous instant fried noodle, is most attributed to broke college students

What is instant ramen

(Acceptable: What is Top Ramen or Maruchan)


Ethan after a weary night of driving, sealed his fate after saying this at a DUI Checkpoint

What is "Just a lil"


This famous psychologist established the concepts of the Id, Ego, and Superego.

Who is Sigmund Freud


Studio Ghibli is well known for having many instant classic movies. However, this movie had the most gross income

What is Spirited Away


This grain, which is a staple food for over half of the world’s population, is grown on every continent except Antarctica.

What is rice


This discord server, was the original reason why any of use even started creating Jeopardy games 

What is Jeopardy!

(Need proper syntax)


Even after having a railroad spike being shot clean through his head, this famous person still was able to live for 12 years after his accident. 

Who is Phineas Gage


This show  which first debuted in 1999, has been continuously created for 23 seasons due to its immense popularity. However, it is known that the original creator wanted to stop after 7.

What is Family Guy


Out of all domesticated animals, this farmed animal takes up the most land space in the world.

What is Cattle

(Might take: Cows . . . )


This is sometimes said to refer to each other if they go afk way longer then they originally stated

What is "Pulling a Rome"

Sometimes referred to as the "God Part", researchers suggest that this part of the brain is involved in mystical or religious experiences 

What is the temporal lobe


This chocolate dessert, often served in a small cup is known for its smooth texture and shares a name with a famously expensive mushroom.

What is a truffle