Precautions 1
Precautions 2

Your sterile saline bottle was opened and used yesterday. Will you still use it? What will you do?

As long as it is not expired, "lip it" by pouring out some of the solution into a trash can before pouring it into your basin. 


Explain how to DON PPE

What is GMEG? Gown, mask, eyewear, and gloves.


What is the number one way to prevent the spread of infection? 

Washing your hands


You're caring for a patient with diarrhea. They've been on an antibiotic course for an entire month to fight a UTI. What precautions should you take? 

Standard precautions and contact precautions with handwashing 


What are standard precautions and when do we use them?

Precautions we take with every patient encounter. They include hand washing, cleaning multiple-use equipment before and after use, PPE for bodily fluid exposure, disposing of sharps, respiratory/cough etiquette, handling soiled linens properly, etc.


What is a CAUTI? 

What is Catheter-associated urinary tract infection?


When would you DON sterile gloves instead of nonsterile gloves? (Sterile gloves vs nonsterile gloves?) 

When you don't want to introduce any new microorganisms during the procedure. 


What does AWARE stand for?

Above the waist, Water acts like a wick to draw microorganisms onto sterile objects, Area around the outer 1 inch of the sterile package is considered unsterile, Refrain from turning your back on or talking over a sterile field, Ever in doubt?  Throw it out


A patient has a fever of 101F. They have a productive cough, chills, and sound congested. They tested positive for influenza. What precautions would you take? 

Standard precautions with droplet precautions


What precautions should you take when someone has active tuberculosis? 


think "live on MTV"- Measles, tuberculosis, and varicella


 A nurse is using personal protective equipment (PPE) when bathing a patient diagnosed with C. difficile infection. Which nursing action related to this activity promotes safe, effective patient care?

A. The nurse puts on PPE after entering the patient room.
B. The nurse works from "clean" areas to "dirty" areas during bath.
C. The nurse personalizes the care by substituting glasses for goggles.
D. The nurse removes PPE prior to leaving the patient room.

B, the nurse works from "clean" to "dirty" areas during the care.

Contact precautions


When should you wear a gown for PPE? 

When your uniform can become infected with microorganisms. 


What is the difference between medical and surgical asepsis?

Medical- you want to reduce the number of pathogens

Surgical- Completely free of all pathogens


You are going to complete wound care on a patient. What precautions will you take?

Standard precautions with contact precautions


What's the difference between airborne and droplet precautions? 

Droplets are bigger and fall to the ground faster. The droplets spread by sneezing/coughing/talking. Airborne particles are much smaller and can stay in the air longer/travel further than droplets do.


When would you DOFF PPE?

In the patient care area


What should you always do before you DON PPE and after you DOFF PPE?

Wash/sanitize your hands. 


What does HAI stand for and what is it?

Hospital-acquired infection. An infection that took place in the hospital. 


You're about to go into your patient's room to complete a physical assessment. When should you wash your hands? (5 potential times)

1. Before you touch the patient and their surroundings 2. Before you complete the assessment 3. After being exposed to bodily fluids 4. After the full assessment 5. After touching the patients surroundings


What precautions should you take for pertussis?

Droplet precautions

Acronym PIMP: Pertussis, influenza, meningitis, pneumonia 

Use a surgical mask, goggles, and a single room for the patient


When should you use soap/water handwashing over hand sanitizer? Why?

Soap/water: When your hands become soiled, after coming into contact with bodily fluids, after using the bathroom, etc.

Hand sanitizer does not kill all microorganisms. Some microorganisms are resistant to the chemicals in hand sanitizer. The friction of washing your hands with soap/water will be more beneficial. 


A patient tested positive for Covid 19. What PPE will you DON? 

You will use both contact and droplet precautions for Coronavirus. So, a gown, surgical mask-Facility policy (droplet precautions), eyewear, and gloves. 


Explain the steps to setting up a sterile field.

1. Raise the table to waist height and clean the table 2. Check expiration dates and make sure all packaging is dry/intact 3. Open and place the sterile field down 4. Open and place other sterile equipment in the middle of the sterile field 5. Sanitize hands and apply sterile gloves


You are admitting a patient who has symptoms of active pulmonary TB. What precautions should you take and what PPE will you DON before interacting with the patient? 

Standard precautions with airborne precautions. They will need an individual negative pressure room, the door should always be shut, and you should wear an N95 mask. 


Your patient tested positive for measles, has a MRSA-infected wound on their left leg (you will be completing wound care), and the antibiotic that they were taking to help fight their infection killed all of the bacteria in their gut leading to C.Diff. What precautions will you take? 

Always standard precautions, Measles- Airborne, MRSA- Contact, C.Diff- Contact with soap handwashing.