Aseptic Technique
Single Use Devices
TB Control
Sterile/Not Sterile

What is Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI)?

A. Asymptomatic Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection.

B. Symptomatic Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Disease

C. None of the above

D. All of the above

What is A

Asymptomatic Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection.


What is the process for keeping away disease-producing microorganisms?

A. Hand Washing

B. Sterilization

C. Asepsis

D. None of the above.

What is C



Reprocessing Single Use Devices (SUDs) can be safe and cost-effective.

True or False

What is True


An aerobic, acid-fast bacillus that is the causative agent of tuberculosis.

A. M. Tuberculosis

B. M. Bovine

C. M. Avium

D. None of the above

What is  A 

M. tuberculosis?


Maintaining Surgical Asepsis outside of the OR includes which of the following.  

A. Use of special treatment rooms/OR rooms

B. Reduce airborne transmission

C. Keep doors closed

D. Limiting traffic

What is A B C & D (All of the above) 

use of special treatment rooms/OR rooms, reduce airborne transmission, keep doors closed, physical barriers, diverting traffic, excluding unnecessary personnel, avoid cleaning activities in the area during procedure and additional environmental controls as indicated and accessible.


Time frame for converting from LTBI to TB Disease.

A 1 year

B 2 years

C 5 years

D 10 years

What is B

 2 years?


What process is used to prevent transfer of any organisms by maintaining the microbe count to an irreducible minimum?

A. Clean Technique

B. Medical Asepsis

C. Surgical Asepsis

D. Hand Hygiene

What is C

Surgical Asepsis?


This organization has established regulations for reprocessing Single Use Devices (SUDs)?





What is D 

the FDA?


Waht is the mode of transmission for pulmonary tuberculosis.

A. Contact

B. Droplet

C. Droplet +

D. Airborne

What is D


Neg pressure rooms.  Respirators. Limited exposure times


What is the appropriate attire to maintain sterile field in OR?

A. Sterile Gown

B. Sterile Gloves

C. Hair and Shoe Covers

D. All of the above

What is D ( All of the above)

sterile gowns, gloves, hair covers, shoe covers and drapes?


What are symptoms of Active TB Disease?

A. Productive cough

B. Fever

C. Night sweats lasting greater than 2 weeks.

D. All of the above

What is D

  All of the above?


Process that reduces the numbers of microorganisms to prevent and reduce transmission risk?

A. Hand Washing

B. Medical Asepsis

C. Clean Technique

D. None of the above

What is B

 Medical Asepsis?


Factors that have prompted facilities to consider reprocessing Single Use Devices (SUDs) include which of the following.  Select all that apply.

A. Increasing health care costs

B. Environmental concerns

C. Recognition of finite resources

D. Simplicity of process 

What is A B C 

 increasing health care costs, environmental concerns, and recognition of finite resources?


The procedure for obtaining sputum specimens from patients with suspected TB Disease include which of the following?  Select all that apply.

A. Three different specimens

B. At least 8 hours apart

C. At least one in the early AM

D. Saliva is an acceptable for testing

What is A B C 

three different specimens at least 8 hours apart, at least one should be early AM?

Specimens should be sputum.  May have to be induced.


Scrubs are considered PPE. (True/False)

What is False?  

Scrubs are not PPE.  Scrubs decrease the introduction of bacteria to the OR.


What is the definitive test to confirm Mycobacterium Tubculosis?

A. AFB Smears



D. All of the Above.

What is B

AFB-PCR-definitive confirmation of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.


A variety of practices aimed at reducing the microbial flora on the hands.

A. Hand Hygiene

B. Lotion Use

C. Antimicrobial Soaps

D. None of the Above

What is A 

Hand Hygiene?


This organization recommends use of a third party reprocessor when deciding to reprocess Single Use Devices (SUDs).





What is B 

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)?


 What specific media should M. tuberculosis cultures be performed on? 

A. Agar

B. Liquid

C.  Solid

D. Semisolid

What is B



Medical aseptic practices that use clean, disinfected, or sterile equipment and supplies to reduce the numbers of microorganisms and minimize risk of transmission.

A Clean Technique

B. EVS Processes

C. Surgical Asepsis

D. Dirty Technique

What is A 

clean technique?


What are some actions to prevent/control tuberculosis. Select all that apply

A. Early Detection

B Early Isolation

C. Early and complete treatment of LTBI

D. Smoking Cessation

What is A B and C

early detection, early isolation, and early and complete treatment of LTBI?


What is the integral step performed by OR team working in direct contact with patient, equipment, instruments and/or sterile field?

A. Appropriate surgical attire

B. Surgical hand antisepsis

C. Use of Shoe Covers

D. None of the above

What is B

surgical hand Antisepsis


Steps for reprocessing a contaminated, reusable, or "single-use" device so that it can be patient-ready include which of the following?  Select all that apply.

A. Decontamination

B functional testing

C. Repackaging

D. Relabeling

E. Sterilization

What is ABCDE (All of the above)

 decontaminating, functional testing, repackaging, relabeling and sterilizing the device?


Treatment of active TB disease includes which of the following. Select all that apply

A. Antibiotic regimen determined by provider

B. Cheapest antibiotic available

C. Established four drug regimen

D. Antiviral regimen.

What is C. 

Established four drug regimen pending PCR results. (ETH, INH, RIF and PSA)? 

adjusted if MDR-TB or XDR-TB.

Three consecutive negative smears to discontinue isolation (community and facility).


Application of clean technique (medical asepsis) may be used in the following situations. Select all that apply.

A. Wound care

B. Placement of PIVs

C. Respiratory suctioning

D. Placement of Foley

What is A B C D ( All of the above)

wound care, placement of PIVs, respiratory suctioning, placement of indwelling urinary catheter?