Medication-Assisted Treatment
Actors and Musicians in recovery
Drug facts
Stinking Thinking

Three types of medication-assisted treatment.

methadone, suboxone, vivitrol, naltrexone, etc.


This "Candle in the Wind" singer battled addiction for 20 years; but finally quit for good in 1990.

Elton John


More people over age 12 in the United States have used alcohol in the past year than any other drug or tobacco product



There is no middle ground that allows for the complexities of realistic thoughts. A person with ____and____ thinking only thinks in extremes.

 Black and white thinking


______ is the average age children begin experimenting with drugs.

What is age 13?


What MMT means.

Methadone-maintenance therapy.


This famous child star from E.T. developed alcohol and drug problems, attempted rehab, and started her recovery journey – all by age 14. Since then, she’s been open about her addictions and her recovery. In 2021, she told reporters she’d completely given up alcohol, finally, in addition to drugs.

Drew Barrymore


_________  is an opioid drug made from morphine, a natural substance taken from the seed pod of the various opium poppy plants grown in Southeast and Southwest Asia, Mexico, and Colombia.



When you hold yourself personally responsible for an event that isn’t entirely under your control.

(i.e) Everything is not about YOU!

What is Personalization?


Approximately _____% of all domestic violence reports are related to alcohol or drugs.

What is 80%?


Medication-assisted treatment medications must be approved by  _____ prior to use in the United States.

The Food and Drug Administration.


Grammy nominated pop star once on Disney channel opened up about her addiction with her documentary "Dancing with the Devil."

Who is Demi Lovato? 


Today, nearly 80 percent of heroin users say that their first opioid use was a _____ _____.

Prescription drug.


_____ _____ are habitual ways of thinking that are often inaccurate and negatively biased. Usually develop over time in response to adverse events.

Cognitive Distortions 


Of every dollar state and federal governments spend on substance problems only _____ cents goes to prevention and treatment

What is 2 cents?


Survey responses reveal those who are recovery report that _____ and _____ are all heightened around the holidays.

Depression and Anxiety

** 94% of our respondents in recovery reported feeling overwhelmingly or moderately stressed/anxious/depressed during the holidays.


This founding member of rock band Motley Crue stated "Truth is, nobody held my hand while I was kicking heroin, in fact, nobody even called to even check on me, I had to make the decision alone to change my life."

Who is Nikki Sixx?


is an addictive stimulant drug made from the leaves of a plant which is native to South America.



This distortion is when you make conclusions and predictions based on little or no evidence. The prediction is generally arbitrary and has a negative outcome.

Fortune Telling


Approximately what percent of drug-related deaths are due to opiate use?



List 3 things that medication-assisted treatment can help do.

1. Lowers overdose rates

2. Decreases illicit opioid use

3. Increases social functioning in communities

4. Decreases criminal activity

5. Improves parental participation

Any additional answers may be accepted also.


____________ has been a cultural icon since her role in “Halloween” in 1978. The star says “My sobriety has been the key to my freedom,” and has been in recovery from alcohol and drug use for over 20 years.

Jamie Lee Curtis


People don't typically think of these products as drugs because they're not intended for getting high, but some people use them for that purpose. When these substances are used for getting high, they are called _____. They are the the only class of substance used more by younger teens/kids than by older teens.



This type of thinker may assume the role of psychic and may think he or she knows what someone else thinks or feels. The person may think he or she knows what another person thinks despite no external confirmation that his or her assumption is true.



____ in 10 people with the chronic diseases of high blood pressure, major depression and diabetes receive treatment, but only about _____ in 10 people who need treatment for substance problems receive any form of care.

What are 7 and 1?