ash's fave color
what is sage green?
(will also accept green or black)
who is morgan?
ash's ex gf
who is demorie?
what craft is ash good at?
what is crocheting?
how old is obama?
what is 60?
ash's fave animal
what is an elephant?
age ash was seggually assaulted
what is 15?
ash's depression bf in 2017
who is joey?
ash's fave cartoon
what is chowder?
what is harry potter's middle name?
what is james?
ash's fave snack
what is goldfish?
who did ash need a restraining order against?
who is michael?
ash's fave bf
who is brandon?
ash's go-to drama show
what is grey's anatomy?
when is 1999?
ash's first crush ever
who is brad
first kiss ash had
who is sam?
ash's fave anime character
who is deku?
(kaneki also accepted)
who wrote The Beautiful and the Damned?
who is F. Scott Fitzgerald?
when ash cries
what is every two days?
should ash burn morgan's house down?
ash's first bf
who is austin?
ash's guilty pleasure
writing fan fic
what is the membrane surrounding the heart?
what is the pericardium?