Bodies of Water

This is the world's longest venomous snake.

What is the King Cobra?


The 3 oceans that are on 3 sides of Asia.

What is the Arctic, Pacific, and Indian oceans?


This holiday was originally know as Armistice Day to remember the Armistice or cease fire of World War I.  The cease fire took place on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.  Today we celebrate this day to honor men and women who have served in the Armed Forces.

What is Veteran's day?


This mountain range, where Mt Everest can be found is the highest mountain range in the world.

What is the Himalaya's?


Who am I?

What is a Great Hornbill?


This body of water is between Africa and Asia.  The Israelite's passed thru it as they were escaping Pharoah. 

What is the Red Sea?


The 4th of July holiday celebrates the signing of this important document. 

What is the Declaration of Independence?

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Name three unalienable rights stated in the Declaration of Independence.


This is the most populous country in Asia.

What is India?


This country which has territory in both Europe and Asia is also a delicious holiday favorite main course.

What is Turkey?


This body of water has Europe to the North, Africa to the South, and Asia to the East.

What is the Mediterranean Sea?


The most significant day Christians celebrate.

What is Resurrection Sunday or Easter? 


This country located in the Indian Ocean is one of the smallest countries in the world. the country is made up of more than 1,190 islands.`

What is Maldives?


The Binturong, or Bearcat has a "prehensile" tail. What can that do?

What is hold on to things?


This bay which lies southeast of India shares a name with a type of tiger?

What is the Bay of Bengal?


This holiday was formally known as "Decoration Day".  It is a day we honor and mourn the men and women who have died while serving in United States Armed forces. It is common to visit cemeteries and memorials and to lay flowers and flags to honor those we have lost. It is always observed on the last Monday of May.

What is Memorial Day?


These two countries share territory in both Asia and Europe?

What is Russia and Turkey?


The Asiatic or Asian Black Bear is very similar in appearance to its relative the American Black Bear. This distinctive feature is a way to tell them apart.

What is a V-shaped white patch on the Asian Bear's chest?


This Sea is between Russia and Alaska. There is a strait, a narrow channel of water that separates Asia from North America that shares the same name.

What is the Bering sea?


This man's death is celebrated annually on March 17th. The Irish have observed this holiday for over 1,000 years.  

Who is St. Patrick?


This Asian country is entirely in the Southern hemisphere.

What is Indonesia?