Guess that Character!
Short Stories & Poetry
Novel: BLCS
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This character was but on trial due to killing a local fisherman.
Kabuo Miyamoto
Where do Songs of Gold Mountain take place? What were the conditions like there?
Angel Island immigration station Negative conditions- silly questions to make you fail; crowded unsanitary wooden barracks; families were split up; could only leave detainment room if you had to use the bathroom
What is the setting?
Remote village at the summit of a mountain Phoenix of the Sky
Who wrote "Water Names"?
Lan Samantha Chang
In your opinion, what main character experienced the most hardships. Explain why.
Opinion Answers will vary
Who is the man in China Men that is working on the railroad?
Ah Goong
What type of working conditions are present in China Men? Who were the demons?
Answers will vary -Conditions: could get blown up from gun powder or dynamite; could fall out of wicker basket; freeze to death; could injure self with the hard labor they were completing -Demons were the bosses
What happens to Luo's father?
Accused of sleeping with a nurse He is tortured until he admits to the crime, which he mostly likely did not commit
True of False: Marlon K. Hom created Songs of Gold Mountain from his own mind.
False: He took these poems off the walls at the Angel Island Immigration Station ***Poems were written about the hardships they experienced
Why is the seamstress's father treated like a king?
He is the only tailor, which makes him very respectable.
Who is the character that pulls the girl into the water to his underwater kingdom?
The Water Ghost in "Water Names"
What are the two themes of tankas?
Splendor of nature and passage of time
How big was the town Yong Jing? What evidence explained this in the text?
Small -Could smell the food from anywhere in the city -Small- only had one street and a couple of shops
What is one form of inspiration for Maxine Hong Kingston's writings?
Answers will vary Acceptable answers -her mother was an avid storyteller -she wrote based on her family's experiences
What physical reaction did Michihiko Hachiya experience?
He was burnt from the bombing; clothes burned off
Character who tells the story of the girl who wanted to join her underwater prince to her family members
The grandmother
What startled the narrator in "Hiroshima Diaries"? What did the narrator think happened? What really happened?
-A bright flash of light startled the narrator -He thought it could be an explosive device or a passing trolley -It was really the bombing
What is the first book that Four Eyes brings to the boys? Who is it written by?
By Balzac: Ursula Mirouet
Which author wrote an autobiography about his experiences during the Hiroshima bombing?
Michihiko Hachiya
What is a tanka? What is the format of a tanka?
Tanka is an unrhymed Japanese form of poetry Line 1: 5 syllables*** Line 2: 7 syllables Line 3: 5 syllables*** Line 4: 7 syllables Line 5: 7 Syllables Total: 31 syllables
Who is the man who dies in Snow Falling on Cedars?
Carl Heine
What is one similarity and one difference between China Men and "The Iron Road" film?
Answers will vary Possible answer -Similarity: Both deal with workers on the transcontinental railroad -Difference: The film does not focus as much on the Chinese; does not show the emotions the short story had; do not get a personal account of an individual
Who is the preacher? Why is he in trouble?
Man who had been sweeping the streets of Yong Jing due to having a Latin Bible
What was Lan Samantha Chang pursuing before coming a writer? Why did it take so long to become a writer?
Previously- premedical courses and courses in economics -Why: parents; did not know if she would do well
What are two purposes of Asian American Literature? Name how each one is a purpose for a work we have read so far this year.
Answers will vary Purposes: -To remember the past -To give a voice to silent people (with an ignored and unknown history) -To correct stereotypes (of an exotic and foreign experience) -To claim America for the thousands of Americans whose Asian faces too frequently deny them a legitimate place (in this country of their birth.)