The class project for candidates
what is ASK scrapbook
What type of sorority are we (dry or wet)
What is Dry sorority - meaning no alcohol at ASK events or in letters
Instructor of Can-Ed
Who is Lexy Sapiro
Time window to report an absence
48 hours PRIOR to Can-Ed Class or else is unexcused - report all absences to Lexy
The name of your class
What is Chi Class (X)
What is an Academic Professional Sorority
Amount of classes must you attend
What is all classes
President and Vice President of ASK
Who is Emma Holloway and Elizabeth Williams
Our GPA minimum standard for candidates
What is a minimum GPA of 2.0
Our sorority CGA
Who is Joyce Kuehn
Who must you turn your candidate dues to
Who is Finance Chair (Erica Mortland)
Who must you report to for missed chapters
Flower representing candidates
Full professional name of the sorority
What is "Alpha Sigma Kappa - Women in Technical Studies; Theta Chapter"
Weeks of candidate education
What is 5 weeks plus 1 additional week for exam
Reporting any conflict to
Who is Risk Chair (Jae Erickson), Can-Ed (Lexy Saprio) and/or Vice-President (Elizabeth Williams)
Next step in the sorority after candidacy
What is an active member
Full name of our local philanthropy
The Quarter Project of Northern Colorado
Date of your candidate exam
What is November 10th
Conflict/Requirement Resolution Board
What is J-Board, conducted by VP (Elizabeth Williams)